Meaning of Estate (What it is, Concept and Definition)

estate means patrimony, that is, all assets, rights and obligations left by someone who died.

It is legally called by the term "deceased”. The estate will answer for all debts of the deceased and even for any conviction prior to his death, or for any action, but that is his civil responsibility.

booty comes from latin spoliare, which meant stealing or taking someone's clothes. It could also be a reference to armor that was taken from an enemy, which explains why booty also means "the spoils of war."

Estate, inheritance and inventory

When the death of someone who owns property happens, it is necessary to carry out the so-called inventory, so that all heirs can enter the division, however, the transmission of the property is independent of sharing, as ownership and domain of the property are immediately transferred to the successors without the need for any formality, as stated in Article 1784 of the Code Civil.

To represent the estate, it is necessary to appoint in court a representative who will be called the inventor. The estate finder is usually chosen from among the heirs, for example, the eldest son, or the one who has always maintained the strongest emotional ties with the deceased.

In the succession process, the difference between estate and inheritance is that estate is the assets left, as an inheritance, it is not just the assets, but also the rights and duties that a person who dies. he leaves.

spoils of war

The spoils or spoils of war are objects conquered by the army or by the winning party of a battle or war. They served as trophies to remember the victory gained over the enemy. It can be weapons and other valuables. In the past, people were also considered booty, being taken to the land of the victors as slaves.

During the period of the Roman Republic, there were the spoils of war, which caused the social ascension of many soldiers, where they ended up winning new lands, which were previously owned by Rome, the spoils of war mainly favored the upper strata of the population, that is, the most rich.

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