July 17 — Protector of Forests Day

At forests they are usually defined as a vegetation rich in arboreal plants, where the crowns unite and form what we call a canopy. However, several definitions exist, mainly to guide the work of different bodies. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, for example, the Forest can be defined as a “area measuring more than 0.5 ha with trees greater than 5 m in height and a crown cover greater than 10%, or trees capable of achieving these parameters in situ. This does not include land that is predominantly under agricultural or urban use."

Regardless of the definition, this type of vegetation is characterized by its importance mainly with regard to biodiversity, wind speed and rainfall. In our country we find important forests, highlighting the Amazon rainforest, the largest rainforest on the planet.

At the the 17th of July is the Day of the Protector of Forests, also known as Curupira. This folklore figure is known for his red hair and backward-turned feet. Their turned feet help, according to legend, to deceive enemies, as their steps are in position. exchanged, giving the false impression that they are getting close to him, when in reality the contrary.

According to folklore, the Curupira protects forests from constant human aggression, such as deforestation and hunting of animals. The aggressors are attracted by this figure and never return, getting lost in the forest. In the case of hunters, Curupira is known for turning their family into hunting and, only after the hunter has killed his family, does he recognize that, in reality, they were members of his family. The legend also states that the Indians took gifts to avoid the terrible attack of the Curupira. In addition to annihilating the destroyers of the forest, Curupira has the ability to resurrect animals killed by man.

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Despite being just a legend, today we know that there are many professionals who really protect our forests on a daily basis. Chico Mendes he stood out as an important man who raised the banner of the fight against the destruction of the Amazon. He carried out several works and actively fought against deforestation and the massacre of the Indians. As a result of his struggle, he generated revolts and began to receive threats, being killed in 1988.

Another well-known case that deserves recognition is that of the missionary Dorothy Stang, killed in an ambush in 2005. This great figure was known for protecting the forest from the actions of loggers, land grabbers and farmers, but he ended up losing his life for defending this important cause.

However, it is worth noting that there are not only these two important figures in our history, several activists, biologists, engineers, teachers and other professionals fight daily against the destruction of forests, these being the true “Protectors of Forests”. These people are constantly threatened and killed for taking a stand against matters of great economic interest, such as loggers.

This fight, however, cannot end! Forests are important for the balance of ecosystems and the economic interest must not be above the interest of the planet.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "July 17th — Protector of Forests Day"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/datas-comemorativas/dia-protetor-florestas.htm. Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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