Ways to protect soil from erosion

One of the main impacts arising from rural occupation is erosion, this occurs because the original vegetation cover is removed, making the soil suitable for suffering erosion.

In rural properties, in order to avoid the emergence of erosion, it is important that the producer takes some preventive measures:

• Carrying out the planting accompanied by a contour curve, this is one of the most successful containment practices. The contour curve prevents rainwater from going down the slope with great speed, thus it does not cause erosion.

• Combine crops with the planting of vegetables such as eucalyptus, bamboo and sugar cane, as these act as a protective barrier against wind and rain erosion.

• Another preventive alternative is to plant in terrace-type contour lines, using this technique to water is retained, making it impossible to form runoff from runoff, which is an erosive agent in potential.

• Act effectively in the preservation and conservation of gallery forests, in addition to recovering degraded areas of riparian forests, vegetation cover helps to prevent the passage of runoff that causes erosion and also prevents siltation of the springs.

• Rugged areas must be preserved and not occupied for the development of agriculture, as well as areas of fragile soils that are easily affected by erosion.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/geografia/formas-proteger-solo-contra-erosao.htm

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