IT'S TODAY: transfer of the 2021 PIS/Pasep will be done this Wednesday, 15

This Wednesday, the 15th, Caixa Econômica Federal will carry out the first transfers of the salary bonus for the base year 2021. Today, they receive private initiative workers who were born in January and February. According to the institution, the calendar will follow according to the month of birth. See PIS/Pasep details so you don't miss out.

salary allowance

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All workers who are or have been active in public companies and are enrolled in the Public Servant Asset Formation Program (Pasep) are entitled to the allowance. Those who work in private companies must be enrolled in the Social Integration Program (PIS) for at least five years. The transfer made today will be for those who worked for at least 30 days in 2021, receiving up to two minimum wages.

For those who are entitled to Pasep, we warn that the transfer will be carried out by Banco do Brasil until July 17th. For both programs, the value will be available until December 28th of this month. If it is not withdrawn, it will go back to the government coffers.

In all, 22 million citizens should receive the payment referring to R$ 20 billion of resources from the Worker's Support Fund (FAT).

PIS/Pasep Calendar

Workers enrolled in PIS will be paid by Caixa Econômica Federal.

Beneficiary's month of birth + payment date

  • January and February: February 15;
  • March and April: March 15;
  • May and June: April 17;
  • July and August: May 15th;
  • September and October: June 15;
  • November and December: July 17th.

Caixa reported that the money will be available automatically to the worker with a bank account. For beneficiaries who are not customers, the amount will be available in Social Digital Savings.

Registered citizens of Pasep will receive through Banco do Brasil.

End of Pasep registration + payment date

  • 0 – 15 February;
  • 1 – 15 March;
  • 2nd and 3rd – April 17th;
  • 4th and 5th – May 15th;
  • 6 and 7 – June 15;
  • 8 and 9 – July 17.

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