Perissology – A linguistic deviation

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Right at the beginning of the text we come across a little-known word. However, according to its denotative meaning, it refers to a certain failure that occurred during writing, which most of the time becomes something imperceptible, but which compromises the aesthetic textual.
Factors like this are commonplace in the exercise of speaking and writing, because as we organize our thoughts, we weave ideas and write them, and not we always pay attention to the importance of a rereading, in order to repair some flaws or even to improve our arguments, either through deletions or additions.
The Perissologycomposes one of the particularities related to grammar now called language addiction, which, as the name itself portrays, it is something that is easily incorporated into anyone's linguistic daily life.
It is very similar to the pleonasm, whose characteristic is attributed to the use of unnecessary terms referring to a thought already expressed, causing the text to become too wordy. To better understand this occurrence, we will analyze below some examples that characterize it:

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“The acting mayor anticipated to before new preventive measures in relation to basic sanitation”.
"The students received by the hands from the director the medals referring to the football tournament".
“It is necessary that create new alternatives to combat the violence that devastates society".

It infers, therefore, that the terms that are highlighted work as an addition of information unnecessary, considering that the previous expression, already portrays by itself, the sense that they tend to establish.
Therefore, we emphasize the need to assiduously expand our linguistic competence, becoming aware of the multiple resources that language offers us, vast is its dynamism, so that we can demonstrate our discursive practice in a plausible.
By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Essay - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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