Important tips to help you conduct your career transition and succeed

Even though they are very necessary, the changes still cause discomfort and doubts, mainly regarding the transition of professional positions.

According to research carried out by the pagegroup, the main reason that would motivate a possible transition from career among respondents is the lack of opportunities within the company, as well as the value corresponding to the salary offered, with dissatisfaction by the employees.

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It is worth remembering that, in 2018, a survey produced by catho showed that 30% of women leave their jobs to take care of their children, a result four times lower than the proportion of men for the same reason, which is 7%.

According to experts, this transition female can occur due to frustrations of activities carried out or the position held. Most of the time, women are not valued as they should, much less their cyclicity, making them seek new horizons and other professional paths, one of which is entrepreneurship.

In view of this new scenario, check out some tips below to achieve success when making a career transition:

1- Make a list of pros and cons: List the things you like and dislike about your current job, thus seeing the real scenario of the situation.

2- Impose your values: Analyze what is important, or not, for your life, making your values ​​respected and valued.

3- Find out what your strengths are and what motivates you: Focus on what makes you feel good and your skills, exploring your professionalism more without charging yourself for what doesn't motivate you.

4- Set limits: Be easy to say "no" and be calm if you didn't please someone. Therefore, when choosing a new career, it is important to establish what will be tolerated and what your non-negotiable policies are.

5- Be ambitious and dream big: Don't diminish or devalue yourself in the face of an interview or negative feedback. Recognize the good professional you are and your value despite mistakes and frustrations.

6- Trace the perfect routine, prioritizing the activities you enjoy: Define the best experience for you in your daily life, looking for places and options that respect your lifestyle.

7- Carry out the transition calmly and safely, analyzing your dream and your finances, so that you can support yourself without prejudice.

8- Don't give up at the first difficulty, because a career transition is also a process. Therefore, rejoice with your achievements and respect your time, because things do not happen at the speed we want, always aiming for the right path and insisting on yourself.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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