Maxillofacial surgery is a dental specialty that treats birth defects, diseases, traumas, bad. craniofacial growth, deformities and other problems involving the hyoid bone region and the frontal bone, from the tragus to the nasal pyramid.
It can be performed in outpatient clinics or offices when surgery is considered a small type of removal of impacted teeth, small benign tumors, cysts, peripical or paradental lesions, dental implants, prosthetic adaptations under local anesthesia or in hospitals when surgery is considered of greater risk such as removal of large tumors, facial fractures, orthognathic surgeries and others that require greater care and general anesthesia.
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Surgery can also be performed when facial deformity occurs as a result of diseases such as cancer, AIDS, tuberculosis and syphilis.
Dentistry - Brazil School
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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Bucco Maxillo Facial Surgery";
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