The human being's attempt to restore the Buco-Maxillo-Facial region is as old as the formation of civilizations. Archaeological excavations have revealed Egyptian mummies with artificial eyes, noses and ears. Since the era of the Phoenicians, five centuries before Christ, until today man has always sought to improve facial defects. For the sake of aesthetics and health, reconstructing the face came to have the meaning of rescuing the individual's identity.
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The maxillofacial prosthesis aims to rehabilitate the stomatognathic system through prosthetic pieces properly made for this purpose. These can be eye, ear, nose, maxilla, jaw, teeth, etc., because the specialist in maxillofacial prosthesis works in the aesthetic and/or functional rehabilitation of all parts of the vicerocrane.
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SCHOOL, Team Brazil. "Buccomaxillofacial Prosthesis"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.