Heterogeneric and Heterotonic in Spanish

know the heterogeneous and heterotonic it is essential in learning the Spanish language so as not to make mistakes. When studying Spanish, it is important to be very careful when using some nouns and when pronounce some words, as they can change gender or stressed syllable from Spanish to Portuguese.

Are we going to find out about its uses?/ Shall we know its uses?

The heterogeneous

In Spanish there are some words that have the same meaning in Portuguese, but the gender is different, that is, a word that is feminine in Portuguese can be masculine in Spanish. These words are called heterogeneric. / In Spanish there are some words that have the same meaning in Portuguese, but the gender is distinct, or sea, a word that is female in Portuguese will be masculine in Spanish. These words are called heterogeneous.

With the examples it becomes clearer(With the examples it becomes clearer):

(masculine nouns)
(feminine nouns)

the emphasis

the emphasis

the origin

The origin

the gear

the gear

the fraud

the fraud


The smoke

the insomnia


el margin

The margin

the marathon

the marathon

I pray

the prayer


the vertigo

(female nouns)

(masculine nouns)

there nose

The nose

the salt

The salt

the blood

The blood

la smile

The smile

there protests

The protest

la hiel

the gall

la paradoja

the paradox

la laugh

The laugh

la señal

The sign

la samba

the samba

The heterotonic

Hererotonics are also words that in Spanish have the same meaning in Portuguese, but that there is a change in the stressed syllable from one language to another, so they are pronounced in a way different. / The heterotônicos also are words that in Spanish have the same meaning in Portuguese, but that there is a change in the stressed syllable of one lega another, then it is pronounced in a different way.

Aim at the examples to get more clear(See the examples for clarity):












helloTheat the

panOKat the


hellen oak
Spanish teacher

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/espanhol/heterogenericos-heterotonicos-espanhol.htm

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