Reformist theory. Aspects of reformist theory

The reformist theory was elaborated in response to the neo-Malthusian theory. According to the reformist theory, a young and large population, due to high birth rates, is not a cause, but a consequence of underdevelopment. In developed countries, where the population's standard of living is high, birth control occurs parallel to the improvement of the population's quality of life and spontaneously, from one generation to other.

In underdeveloped countries, a large young population only becomes an obstacle to the development of their economic activities when social investments are not made, especially in education and health. This situation generates a huge contingent of unskilled labor that annually enters the labor market. For the demographic dynamics to come into balance, it is necessary to face social and economic issues first.

Investments in education are fundamental for the improvement of all social indicators. Because when family life takes place in miserable conditions and people are not aware of economic and social determinations, they will not be concerned about having fewer children.

It was found that the higher the woman's education, the lower the number of children and the infant mortality rate. Of all the theories, the reformist is the one that best portrays the factors that generate political, social and economic underdevelopment. In this way, the reformist theory overturns Malthus' theories.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

General geography - geography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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