Hawksbill turtle. Curiosities about the hawksbill turtle

THE hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), also known as the legitimate tortoise, it is a species of reptile from the order Testudines and from the Cheloniidae family that is critically endangered, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). This species lives in coral reefs in shallower waters and is rarely found in large depths, and is mainly present in tropical areas, but is sometimes found in waters. subtropics.

The hawksbill turtle is not as big as the leatherback turtle, but it can reach 114 cm in carapace length and weigh up to 150 kg. just like the others sea ​​turtles, this species has a long life cycle, and sexual maturity is only reached after 25 years of age.

THE hawksbill turtle shell It has a yellowish-brown color and is formed by four side plates, which are arranged like tiles. Formerly its hull was used in the manufacture of combs, hence its name. It has a small, elongated head, and its mouth resembles a bird's beak.

This species of sea turtle

feeds on various types of animals, among them, sponges, cnidarians, molluscs and crustaceans, which are removed from the crevices of coral reefs. In our country, the species is often seen feeding on the oceanic islands of Fernando de Noronha and Atol das Rocas.

Hawksbill turtle spawn normally occurs at night, and the breeding season takes place between the months of November and March. Here in Brazil, this species spawns on the coast of Bahia, Sergipe, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Ceará, Espírito Santo and Pernambuco. The area that deserves more attention is the north coast of Bahia, where it is possible to observe up to a thousand spawns in each reproductive season.

In each laying, these turtles lay up to 135 eggs, and the sex of the chicks is determined by the temperature of the nest. When the temperature is higher, more females are born; when it is colder, more males are produced. Therefore, we can conclude that on the coast of Bahia, which is a large spawning area, a greater number of females are born (See more about sex determination in reptiless).

As previously mentioned, this species is at serious risk of extinction, and accidental capture during net fishing is one of the main causes of its death. In addition, coastal development disrupts the lives of these animals, especially the occupation of the coast and pollution. It is also worth noting that the increase in the planet's temperature can cause serious risks to turtles, thus increasing the number of females.

Curiosity:Did you know that, on average, for every thousand puppies born, only one reaches maturity? This is due to the difficulty of survival due to the large number of predators, the long life cycle and, mainly from human action, which pollutes the environment in which these animals live, in addition to promoting hunting indiscriminate.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/animais/tartaruga-de-pente.htm

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