Interrogative adverbs. Traces of interrogative adverbs

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talk about the adverbsit means to emphasize one of the grammatical classes that make up all ten prescribed by grammar. With regard to the function it performs, it should be said that, theoretically, it modifies the expressed circumstance by the verb, such circumstance being of mode, place, intensity, affirmation, negation, among others peculiarities. So let's look at two examples to better fit these concepts:

Patricia arrived yesterday.
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verb adverb of time

They greeted each other affectionately.
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Adverb verb of mood

Another aspect that can also be attributed to the class in question concerns the fact that there is no possibility of flexion, an aspect that makes the adverba class conceived as invariant.

After such details, we now go on to the study of one more particularity that is also included in the study in question, since among them are the interrogative adverbs. They, taken in the strict sense of the word, are used in direct interrogations and indirect interrogations. Given these reasons, here is the need to know them in a particular way:

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* Where – gives, without a shadow of a doubt, an idea of ​​place:

Where is the college library located? – direct way

I wonder Where the college library is located. – indirect form.

* How – expresses an idea in a way:

Like Are you feeling after the new changes that have taken place here? – direct way

I want to know like is feeling after the new changes that have taken place. – indirect form

* When – gives, therefore, an idea of ​​time:

When will the orders from the last customers arrive? - direct mode

I need to know when orders from past customers will arrive. – indirect mode

* Why – expresses an idea related to the cause:

Because Didn't attend the meeting? – direct way

I wonder why you did not attend the meeting. – indirect form

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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