Origin of water. Studying the origin of water

The latest theories reveal that the emergence of water is closely linked to the formation of the solar system. The earth went through several stages of cooling and heating, in a period of cooling of the Earth there was a condensation of the steam that materialized in the form of rain, with this the water was deposited in the lower parts, thus giving rise to the first oceans (oceans primitives).
During the formation of the crust, the degassing process occurred, a theory that explains the release of water in the form of steam. During this period, volcanoes expelled gases such as hydrogen and water vapor that gave rise to the atmosphere.
Water is found in nature in three states: liquid (oceans, rivers, lakes and underground aquifer), solid (glaciers) and gaseous (atmosphere). All these elements are integrated forming the hydrological cycle, responsible for maintaining life. This cycle cannot be changed, as it can cause major changes in the world's landscapes.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

Curiosities-Geography - geography - brazil school

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