Computer Vision Syndrome

Electronic life does not only cause side effects on hearing. Red, dry eyes, headaches, and difficulty getting focus are likely symptoms of prolonged computer use. CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome), or Computer Vision Syndrome, can affect anyone with a lot of often spends more than two hours in front of the PC, without pause, causing these people dry eyes, myopia transient, etc.


Monitors are made up of pixels (micro dots), on which the eye cannot focus. To keep the image sharper, the computer user has to “focus and refocus”, which creates tension in the eye muscles. Associated with this is the decrease in blinks in front of the computer, reaching four times lower than in normal situations. Taking into account that the blinks have the function of lubricating the eyes, the vision becomes more dry. Other factors can aggravate eye dryness, such as air conditioning, which reduces the humidity in the air. Computer Vision Syndrome tends to get worse when it is associated with factors such as rheumatism or hormonal dysfunction, with the risk of keratoconjunctivitis sicca, an ulcer or even a perforation of the cornea.


• Every 50 minutes of computer work, rest for at least five minutes, preferably looking to the horizon to change focus.
• Use the computer in bright environments, but avoid reflections from windows on the screen.
• Blink more, even if voluntarily, to lubricate your eyes.
• If the monitor is CRT, use it at the highest possible frequency, in hertz. In LCD monitors, there is no such need.
• Avoid using lights aimed directly at your eyes such as table lamps. This can cause glare.
• Be careful when using your computer in areas with a lot of wind or strong air conditioning. Such factors contribute to dry eyes.
• Always leave the monitor clean. Due to static, dust builds up on the screen, which worsens the image.
• If the dryness is severe, see a doctor and ask for a suggestion for eye drops.
• Place the monitor 50 to 65 centimeters away from your eyes. The screen tilt should range from 10º to 20º.
• Never keep the monitor above eye level. In addition to forcing more muscles, this position requires the eyelid fissure to be more open, aggravating the dryness.
• Special glasses are recommended for elderly people who are doing some kind of reading on the computer, as they may not get focus on the video, which tends to be at a greater distance from the eyes.

Computer myopia

Staying in front of the PC for a long time, in addition to causing dryness, can cause so-called transient myopia. This problem mainly affects children, as they have a more flexible lens, able to easily accommodate itself in different positions. After spending more than two hours straight looking at the computer screen or the video game, the eyes are accommodated to see nearby objects, making it difficult to focus from a long distance.

by Eliene Percília

Source: Brazil School -

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