Meaning of Lust (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Lust is the term used to designate the greed or appreciation for material goods, as well as the sexual pleasures.

Etymologically, this term originated from the Latin concupiscens, which means "one who has a strong desire", which derives from the word concupera, which means “have a strong desire”.

According to some religious doctrines, such as Christianity, for example, lust is synonymous with debauchery or carnal lust. This action, therefore, is regarded as a sin.

Learn more about the meaning of lust it's from debauchery.

lust of the flesh

The lust of the flesh, in the religious sphere, characterizes the use of sexual desire and pleasure as the only meaning for life.

This behavior would be displeasing to God, according to the religious.

The Christian bible still talks about the "lust of the eyes", which would be the sinful desire for carnal pleasure practiced in people's imaginations.

"Because everything that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, does not come from the Father, but from the world. Now the world passes away, and its lust; but he who does the will of God remains forever.

" (1 John 2:16-17).

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