Meaning of Religious Intolerance (What it is, Concept and Definition)

religious intolerance is the discrimination against people and groups who have different beliefs or religions, and is marked mainly by aggressive and offensive attitudes.

Freedom of expression guarantees individuals the right to express their opinions on a certain issue, including criticism of religious dogmas, for example. However, religious intolerance is configured when the person acts with indifference, violence or any other way that hurts dignity of someone else.

For example, humiliating, persecuting, discriminating or assaulting someone for having a religion or belief different from someone else are acts of religious intolerance.

In Brazil, the religious intolerance is a hate crime, classified as unbailable and imprescriptible. The penalty for the guilty varies between 1 to 3 years in prison, plus the payment of a fine.

The disrespect and attack against an atheist or agnostic can also be considered an example of intolerance. religious, since the intolerant person does not admit the fact that that individual has a different belief than your.

Learn more about Intolerance and understand what is religious diversity.

religious intolerance in Brazil

According to the Brazilian Federal Constitution, Brazil is a Laic State, that is, it does not have an official religion. All kinds of religions and beliefs must be respected. As a matter of fact, as previously mentioned, religious intolerance is considered a crime in Brazil, according to Law No. 7716, of January 5, 1989.

It is true that all Brazilian citizens have the right to practice their respective religion (including political representatives of the government), but this cannot be involved with the figure of the State, so there needs to be a separation between the individual's activities in private life and public.

Learn more about meaning of secular state.

If someone is the target of religious intolerance, they should go to a police station and file a police report, starting the process of prosecution against the aggressor.

In Brazil, the "National Day to Combat Religious Intolerance" is celebrated annually on January 21, in accordance with Law No. 11,635/07.

religious intolerance in the world

Throughout human history, religious intolerance was the basis of countless conflicts and wars, which caused millions of deaths.

The persecution of Jews during World War II is one of the main examples of religious discrimination practiced in the 20th century.

In the beginning of the 21st century, terrorist attacks also proved to be abominable manifestations based on religious intolerance practiced by extremist groups of different doctrines and sects.

O religious fanaticism it is one of the main culprits for the spread of intolerant ideas and attitudes among millions of people around the world.

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