Capendo i valori dei verbi predicativi and i dei verbi copulativi

Spesso you must chiedere eat capire, in a sentence, to see the value I gave verbi predicativi and I gave copulativi. It goes out to sleep verbi speciali, ossia, it is appariscono ad an enunciative contest of its own good diverse of what you see always. Al testo potrai capirli di maniera semplice at traverso gli esempi ed anche dei loro significati. / Often you must ask yourself how to understand, in a sentence, the real value of intransitive verbs and linking verbs. You already know that they are special verbs, that is, you know that they appear in a context of their own utterance, quite different from the one you always see. In the text you will be able to understand them in a simple way through examples and also meanings.

Meaning: / Meanings:

*Predicative verb: / Intransitive verb: “Il verb che da solo cotitusce il predicato della proposizione (eg passeggia, sings); itself contraposes the copulative verb.” / ‘Verb that alone constitutes the predicate of the prayer (for example: walks, sings); is opposed to the connecting verb.’

*Information taken from the Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano.

*Copulative verb: / Connecting verb: “Quelli che collegano il soggetto con l'elemento nominale che ne is the predicative complement.” / ‘One that links the subject with the nominal element, which is the predicative complement.’

*Information taken from the site (Sabatini Coletti Dizionari della lingua italiano).

Register: / Note:

The predicative complement will always be a noun or an aggettive che si collega di moda diretto al verb, cioè si Grammatically refer to the soggetto oppure to the complement oggetto to the sentence, completing the sense of the form verbale. / The predicative complement will always be a noun or an adjective that connects directly to the verb, that is, if will refer grammatically to the subject or the object complement (direct object) of the sentence, thus completing the sense of the form verbal.

I verbi predicativi sono quelli che da soli hanno senso compiuto. Loro, in verità, non hanno bisogno di un complement (oggetto, finish the qualsiasi other indirect complement) of completing it syntactically. Vedi alcuni esempi. / Intransitive verbs are those that alone have full meaning. They don't actually need an element (direct object, indirect object, or any other indirect complement) to syntactically complete them. See some examples.

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Predicative Verbi / Intransitive Verbs

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Giulia legge. / Giulia reads.

2) Run! / Run!

3) Anna fleefrantically. / Anna runs away quickly.

4) Piove. / It rains.

Copulative Verbi / Linking Verbs

The copulative verb always sarà quello che collegherà il soggetto ad un sostantivo opurre ad un aggettivo. Its function will be similar to the verb essere, il quale si chiama verb di copula. I verbi copulativi podeno essere molti come: diventare, sembrare, rimanere, stare, vivere ecc. Vedi degli esempi. / The linking verb will always be the one that will link the subject to a noun or an adjective. Its function will be similar to the verb “to be” (‘essere’), which is called the copula verb. The connecting verbs can be many, such as: become, seem, stay, be (state of mind), live etc. See some examples.

Esempi: / Examples:

1) Luigi if it's diventato giudice. / Luigi became a judge.

2) Giulia and Anna sembranetranquille. / Giulia and Anna seem calm.

3) Quell’uomo It's rhyme vedovo. / That man became a widower.

4) Io I am bene. / I'm fine.

Puntata! / Tip!

If there is ancora dubbi sui verbi copulativi, acceddi al site il testo: / If you still have doubts about the connecting verbs, access the text on the site:

nominal predicate”.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Capendo i valori dei verbi predicativi and dei verbi copulativi"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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