Soggetto grammaticale, soggetto logico, sottinteso soggetto: cosa sono?

Ogni returns to you chiedi eats capire and distinguishes between the tipi di soggetti and the sleep. Vedrai during the testo le loro definizioni ed anche degli esempi che followinganno. / Sometimes you ask yourself how to understand and distinguish the different types of subjects that exist. You will see throughout the text your definitions and also some examples that will follow.
Puntata! / Tip!

 I accessed the test: "Soggetto: cos’è?" and "The difference between phrase and proposition” / Access the texts on the website: “Soggetto: cos’è?” and “La differenza tra phrase e proposizione”.

Soggetto sottinteso / Hidden subject
All Italian language, sottinteso soggetto is that you don't espresso or espresso specifically. Osserva alcune situazioni particolari dove puoi trovare un soggetto com questo. / In the Italian language, the hidden subject is one that is not explicitly expressed or said. Note some particular situations where you might run into a guy like this.
- When you result from the event that is verified, press ad an analog.

/ - When it results from an event that was checked before a similar one.
Example: / Example:
She stays with Giulia's dieci and rests with her for tutta la notte. / He left at 10 am from Giulia's house and stayed with us all night.
- In the answer to a sentence that is possible, a verb. / - In response to a sentence that already has a verb.
Example: / Example:
D: Arriva Giulia? | A: Arriva. / Q: Is Giulia arriving? | A: Enough.
- In a succession of the proposition that it is possible to tutte stesso soggetto. / - In a succession of sentences in which all have the same subject.
Example: / Example:
Giulia turn the house, if you docciò, see the TV and dopo if ne andò to sleep. / Giulia had come home, showered, watched TV and then gone to sleep.

Sign up! / Observation!

Non devi dimenticare che all Italian language the pronoun soggetto is spesso omesso. Vedi gli esempi. / You must not forget that in the Italian language the subject pronoun is often omitted. See the examples.

Arriva always alla stessa now. / It always arrives at the same time.

Catiamo tutti insieme la canzone di Natale. / We all sing the Christmas song together.

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Soggetto grammaticale / Grammatical subject
Meaning: / Meaning: * "Persona o casa alla quale il verb si riferisce grammatically, anche se not always alone (tranne nei pochi casi in cui la agreement avviene con il soggetto logico).” / ‘Person or thing to which the verb refers grammatically, though not always substantially (except in the few cases where agreement occurs with the logical subject)’.

*Definition taken from the Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano.

The soggetto grammaticale is that which you can use, it is the soggetto of the sentence secondo i criteri formali when si fa l’analisi logica, ossia, “it is a fondamentale component of the phrase, which completes the meaning of the predicate” – Dardano & Trifone. / The grammatical subject is the one you already know, it is the subject of the sentence according to the formal criteria when doing the logical analysis, that is, ‘is a fundamental component of the sentence, which completes the meaning of the predicate’ – Dardano & Triphone.
Logical Soggetto / Logical Subject
Meaning: / Meaning: * "Persona o cosa alla quale il verb si riferisce sostanzialemtne, anche se non grammatically, and with which può talora agrees (eg ragazzi nella proposition: la maggior parte dei ragazzi usciron.) / ‘Person or thing to which the verb refers substantially, though not grammatically, to which can sometimes agree (for example, the word boys in the prayer: most boys came out.)’.

*Definition taken from the Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano.

Dopo aver seen il significato sopra, la domanda che ti farai sarà: Mah dove troverò i il soggetto logico? The answer che ti darò sarà: ló troverai nelle dette passive phrase. If you do attenzione vedrai che il soggetto in a passive detta sentence, do not sarà lo stesso in a detta active sentence. / After seeing the above meaning, the question you will ask yourself is: But where will I find the logical subject? The answer I will give you will be: you will find it in the phrases known as passive. If you pay attention, you will see that the subject in a so-called passive sentence is not the same as in a so-called active sentence.

Sign up! / Observation!
Di solito il soggetto grammaticale and il soggetto logicalo I can not coincide with the no alla phrase attiva. Vedi gli esempi. / Normally, the grammatical subject and the logical subject may or may not coincide in the active sentence. See the examples.

Esempi: / Examples:
1) Il cane ha morso Giulia. (active phrase) / The dog bit Giulia. (active phrase)
2) Giulia is stata walrus dal cane. (passive phrase) / Giulia was bitten by the dog (passive phrase)
Vedi che alla phrase 1, 'il cane’ is anche il soggetto grammaticale and soggetto logico della phrase. Però alla sentence 2, ‘cane’ is il soggetto logico (semantic – complement to the agent). / See that in sentence 1, 'the dog' is also a grammatical subject and a logical subject of the sentence. However, in sentence 2, 'dog' is the logical subject (semantic – agent of the passive).

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Soggetto grammaticale, soggetto logico, sottinteso soggetto: cosa sono?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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