Meaning of Oxalá (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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hopefully is a word in the Portuguese language used as interjection to express the wish for something to happen. It is synonymous with "will take" or "please God".

The word originates from the Arabic expression in shaa Allah, whose meaning is “if God wills”. In Spanish it had a similar development and gave rise to the word hello, with exactly the same meaning as oxalá in Portuguese.

Hopefully in Umbanda

Oxalá is also the name of one of the most important orixás of Afro-Brazilian cults, such as Candomblé. It is an androgynous divine entity, which represents the energies of Nature's creation and personifies heaven. The cult of hope usually takes place on Fridays, and is seen by many people as an answer to the Catholic devotion to Nosso Senhor do Bonfim, who represents an important religious tradition in Bahia.

According to the belief, the functions of creation and reproduction are attributed to this orixá. This is the meaning of the word in the poem "Meu Pai Oxalá" by Vinícius de Moraes that gave rise to the song in partnership with Toquinho.

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