O requirement is textual genre used to order, request or request something, judicially supported, for someone in power. This communication is established between interlocutors with different positions in a given hierarchical scale, so that the issuer of the application is in a lower position and, therefore, it presents its need and request to the recipient, who is in a hierarchical position higher.
Applications may submit a simple structure, usually composed of a single paragraph, or more complex, which can add other attached documents. The language must be formal, impersonal and concise, focusing solely on the objective. If necessary, laws and regulations can be added to ensure the required order.
Read too: Memorandum - genre whose purpose is to send quick messages in a professional environment
Application Types
The request or request nature of the application as well as its common legislative support allow this genre serves as a document, while it is possible for it to adapt to different circumstances of use. Primarily, one can talk about two types of application (simple and complex):
- simple application: used when the request does not require as many documents or details, therefore, it can be done quickly and usually only has a short paragraph as the body of the text.
- complex request: requires a more detailed application or with greater argumentation, therefore, it usually presents a larger body text size, adapted to the requirements of the request. Furthermore, it is possible that, with the complex application, other attached documents will follow.
Within these two categories, all variations of requirements that serve citizen activities are included, that is, add examples and types of requirements that are defined not only by the complexity of their structure, but also by their function. that exercise in the citizenship.
The application is an official document that serves both to establish communication between interlocutors of different hierarchical degrees and to request a good or a service that is a citizen's right. Therefore, one can talk about types of application, regarding their civil function, to:
- granting of sick pay
- Additional bonus for lenght of service
- subsistence allowance
- vacation
- cancellation of family allowance quotas
- revalidation of order granting special licenses etc.
Characteristics and structure of an application

The application is a correspondence document text, so it is important to be very careful with its language and structure. Its main features are: text standardization, use of formal language, impersonality, conciseness, and objectivity. The text size adapts to the specific need of each document, the more complex the requirement, the higher the possibility of the text being longer.
In addition, the application structure is based on:
- Vocative: is a markup to draw the reader's attention and mark the beginning of the body of the text. Commonly, it comes with the treatment pronoun appropriate to the established relationship, moreover, it can come either above the text or coupled to the textual body.
- text body: space where the application message is concentrated, it is where the applicant's name is presented, affiliation, place of birth, RG, CPF, marital status, profession, residence address and the topics of the order. Once again, it is important to emphasize that other data can be added or dispensed with, depending on the type and nature of the request.
- Close: conclusion of the text, the part below the body, in which the name and date of the day the document was written are signed. It is important to emphasize that when the application is made by someone who holds a professional position relevant to the subject, it is necessary to add which position or role of the author to the other information in the close.
See too: Minutes - documentary record of discussions and deliberations carried out collectively
How to make an application?
To make an application, you must first, find out what data is needed and what is the most appropriate structure. It is necessary to verify the recipient's name, confirm their position and use the proper treatment pronoun. Finally, it is also important to research which laws support your claim.
Start the document with the word APPLICATION, which can be in the center or in the left corner of the page. The vocative with the treatment pronoun and the recipient's name are added below. Then, on the other line, the body of the text begins with the presentation of personal and order data. Finally, the document is signed with the location, date and full name.
Application Examples
As seen, the application suits different circumstances, and the alternation of the function influences linguistic aspects of the text, such as the choice of the treatment pronoun, the size of the document, the necessary data, the addition or not of attached documents, etc.
The following are some examples of types of requirements as models: the first is a basic model, with the central structure of the requirement, open to the necessary adaptations for use; the second is aimed at the school environment; and the third, to the professional environment.
Example 1:
APPLICATION To (name of recipient) (name), (nationality), (marital status), (profession), registered under the (CPF) and (RG), resident and domiciled at (street), no. (inform), (neighborhood), in (city)-(UF), respectfully come to the presence of (appropriate treatment pronoun), request (present the request). Terms as it seeks approval. (location), (day), of (month) of (year) (signature) (full name) |
Example 2:
REQUEST FOR SCHOOL TRANSFER Mr (ª) Director (a) of (name of educational institution), The undersigned, legally responsible for the student (student's full name), regularly enrolled at (name of educational institution), under (number of enrollment), currently attending the (grade), respectfully requests the TRANSFER OF THE SCHOOL UNIT for the school year (inform year), for (present the reason for the order). Terms as it seeks approval. (Location), (day) of (month) of (year) (Signature) (Full name) |
Example 3:
APPLICATION Your Honor, Head of the National Institute of Social Security, (author's full name), (nationality), (marital status), retired, registered with the INSS under (author's registration number), with the CPF under the number (CPF number) and with the RG No. (RG number), resident and domiciled in (full address), (City-UF), respectfully comes to the presence of Your Lordship, to expose and request what Follow: The attached medical reports and exams are evidence that confirm that the applicant is a carrier of the disease (disease name), ICD (diagnosis number). Terms as it seeks approval. (City), (day) of (month) of (year) (Signature) (Full name) |
By Talliandre Matos
Writing Teacher