Meaning of Shiva (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Shiva is one of supreme gods of hinduism, also known as "the destroyer and regenerator" of vital energy; means the "beneficial", one who does good.

Shiva is also considered the creator of yoga (Yoga), due to its power to generate changes, physical and emotional, in those who practice the activity.

According to Hindu doctrine, the god Shiva belongs to a Trinity called the Trimûrty, formed by Brahma, the god of creation; Vishnu, the god of preservation; and Shiva, as the god of "destruction and regeneration".

Making a comparison with the Holy Trinity in Catholicism, for example, Brahma would be the "Father", Vishnu the "Son", and Shiva the equivalent of the "Holy Spirit".

Shiva is represented by a male figure, usually seated in the lotus position (cross-legged), a traditional yoga position.

It is characterized by having four arms: two resting on its legs, the third holding a trident (trichula, which symbolizes the trinity Trimûrty), and the fourth is holding an hourglass-shaped drum that represents the rhythm of life determined by its music.

statue of god Shiva

On the head of the god Shiva there is a water jar, which represents the power of this natural element that was given to men, and which according to the Hindus symbolizes the Ganges River in India.

According to legend, Shiva never cut his long hair, which would be the source of all his power and energy.

On the forehead, the mythological figure of the god Shiva has a third eye (known as the "eye of Shiva") which symbolizes intelligence and the destructive fire of renewal. Over Shiva's head is still a crescent moon, which signifies the constant renewal of nature.

The god Shiva, when he appears accompanied by Parvati, his wife (shakti), also has the symbology of the "dualism of the Universe", the "masculine" and the "feminine" in union. That is, Shiva is also the fertility god, when presented with Parvati.

As god of fertility, Shiva is represented by the lanyard (male reproductive organ) and Parvati by the yoni (female reproductive organ). O "Shiva linga" symbolizes the materialization of vital energy that exists within the body of every living being.

Shiva and Parvati had a son named Ganesha, a god much adored in India and who, according to Hinduism, brings fortune and wealth.

See also the meanings of yoga, Krishna and Brahma.

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