Natural Aspects of South Africa

The territory of South Africa is located in the extreme south of the African continent, limited to the north by Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe; to the northeast, with Mozambique and Swaziland. There is a small country wedged in the middle of South Africa, Lesotho. The South African territory has approximately 2,500 kilometers of coastline.
South Africa presents varied landscapes, below the main characteristics of the relief, climate, vegetation and hydrography of the country.
The surface of the South African territory (relief) exhibits geographic features. In the western region of the country there is a large plateau, in part of it there is a desert, and in the rest, pastures and savannas. In the southern portion is the Karoo Mountain Range, in the east lies the largest mountain range in the entire south of the African continent.
Throughout the territory of South Africa, various types of climates are identified, such as tropical (covers most of the country), Mediterranean (south), tropical arid (north) and mountain (west). Geographically, the country is located almost entirely in the temperate zone. The sun shines for most of the year, except for the rainy seasons. In summer the temperature exceeds 32°C.

There are several types of vegetation cover in South Africa, such as Mediterranean in the south, forests along rivers, savannas and steppes, the latter in the area of ​​deserts, especially the Kalahari.
The country's hydrography comprises important rivers, the main ones being: Fish, Incomati, Limpopo, Maputo, Vaal, Orange, Apies and Bell.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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