Natural Beauty of the Northeast. Northeast tourist spots

The Northeast Region is extremely well endowed with natural beauty, which are not limited simply to its beautiful beaches. As a result, this is one of the Brazilian regions with the greatest tourist potential, an activity that helps move and boost the local economy. Altogether, there are dozens or even hundreds of points with tourist potential involving natural resources, of which we will highlight the main ones.

One of the geographic advantages of the Northeast region is the fact that practically all of its states have three types of natural landscapes: the coastal ones (of which the beautiful beaches stand out), the dense forest and those related to the semiarid.

The beaches

The northeastern beaches are, without a doubt, among the most beautiful in Brazil and in the world. With beautiful landscapes favored by the wide coastal extension of the region, they also stand out for the diversity, with those that are better known and busy and those that are less agitated, catering to all preferences.

Among the main beaches, the following stand out: Porto Seguro (BA), Praia do Gunga (AL), Praia do Espelho (BA), Jericoacoara (CE), Canoa Quebrada (CE), Porto de Galinhas (PE), Genipabu (RN), Praia da Pipa (RN), in addition to many others.

Porto de Galinhas, a beautiful tourist spot in Pernambuco
Porto de Galinhas, a beautiful tourist spot in Pernambuco

Sightseeing Tours

Among the touristic tours, the biggest attractions are around the relief formations in dunes, in addition to some coastal points of high beauty. Among them, we can mention the Lençóis Maranhenses (MA), Lajedo de Soledade (RN), River Beach of the Jacaré (PB), the Passeio das Galés in Maragogi (AL), Ilha de Itaparica (BA), among countless others points.

Lagoon formed near Lençóis Maranhenses

Lagoon formed in the surroundings of Lençóis Maranhenses*

Forests, Rivers and Waterfalls

The Northeast has three main types of forest domains: Atlantic Forest, Caatinga and, in some points, Cerrado. Therefore, this region has numerous natural beauties related to these phytogeographic formations, of which we highlight: Lençóis (municipality of Bahia with a large number of beautiful waterfalls), Pedra Caída Waterfall (MA), Paranaíba River Delta (PI), Serra da Capivara National Park (PI), Chapada Diamantina (BA) and countless other wonders natural.

Chapada Diamantina, one of the most beautiful tourist spots in the Northeast
Chapada Diamantina, one of the most beautiful tourist spots in the Northeast

Just mentioning a few locations, we can already see that the Northeast is extremely rich in beauties natural, presenting a range of possibilities for tourists with the most diverse preferences possible.


* Image Credits: Michael 106 and Wikimedia Commons

By Rodolfo Alves Pena
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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