Capendo il verb. understanding the verb

Per capire the sense of a qualifying phrase it is necessary to know the verb and its proprietorship, it will be possible to enrich its use in the sentence and in its proposition. Al testo, potrai identify it attraverso gli esempi and significati di ogni its proprietà. / To understand the meaning of any sentence, it is necessary to know the verb and its properties and characteristics ─ thus it will be possible to recognize the role that the verb plays in sentences and prayers. In the text you can identify it through examples and meanings of each of its properties.

Meaning:/ Meaning: * "Variable part of the discourse that indicates to act, to be different, to remain in a certain state of the part of persona or cose." / variávelVariable part of the discourse that indicates acting, making, remaining, in a certain state by a person or thing’.

*Information taken from the site

From here the preceding meaning is possible to deepen a po’ di più traverso the guard of linguistica, which informs the verb otre This is a variable part of the discourse is notable as the “nevralgico point” the syntactic center of the sentence, perché tutti gli altri complementi if organized by suo attunement. And from the question of the original characteristic of the verb proprietà. Vedi sotto.

/ After observing the preceding meaning, it is possible to deepen it a little more through the look of Linguistics, which informs that the verb in addition to to be an invariable part of the speech is known as the "nervous point", or syntactic center of the sentence, since all the other elements are organized around its surroundings. It is from this characteristic that some properties of the verb originate. See below.

Le proprietà del verb / The properties of the verb

  • Mode / Mode: class of the system of the verbal coniugazione that indicates the rispetto speaker's approach to that content: possibilità, certezza ecc.; / category of the verbal conjugation system that indicates the speaker's attitude towards what he says: possibility, certainty, etc.;

Esempio:/ Example:

1) Mariana viennathe scene. (certainty - indicative mode) / Mariana is coming to dinner.

  • Time / Time: indicates with precision the chronology relation tra l'attimo in cui si parla and l'attimo in cui si parla avviene a fatto del quale si parla. Question relazione può essere: / indicates precisely the chronological relationship between the moment in which one speaks and the moment in which a fact is spoken of. This relationship can be from:

Posteriorità; / Posteriority

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Contemporary; / Contemporaneity

Previously / Priority

  • Persona / Person: indicates which persona, bringing who participates in the direct or indirect way in the discussion. / indicates the person, among those who participate directly or indirectly in the speech.

Esempi: / Examples:

il parlante will always designate dalla prima persona; / the speaker will always be designated by the first person;

la terza persona always sarà l'individuo di cui si parla. / the third person will always designate the individual being spoken of.

  • Transitività / Transitivity: indicates whether the verb per avere its full sense, there is a bisogno di an oggetto complement or an indirect complement. / indicates whether the verb, to have its full meaning, needs a direct complement or an indirect complement.
  • Intransitività / Intransitivity: indicates whether the verb has a compound sense senza aver bisogno di complementi. / indicates whether the verb has full meaning without needing complements.

Example: / Example:

1) The party is finite. / The party is over.

  • Passive form / Passive form: indicates whether the non-agent is the soggetto of this sentence and only, it is the complement of the agent or the efficient cause. / indicates if the agent is not the subject of the sentence, but is the agent of the passive.

Example: / Example:

1) Giulia is stata walrus dal catto. / Giulia was bitten by the cat.

  • Active form / Active form: indicates whether l'agent is il soggetto synttatico de la sentence. / indicates whether the agent is the syntactic subject of the sentence.

Example: / Example:

1) Il gatto there is morso Giulia. / The cat bit Giulia.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Letters with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Capendo il verb"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

Capendo il verb. understanding the verb

Capendo il verb. understanding the verb

Per capire the sense of a qualifying phrase it is necessary to know the verb and its proprietorsh...

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