Indie. Indie bands

The term indie comes from the English word independent (independent) and refers to a particular type of counterculture that encompasses several aspects, such as music, fashion, behavior, myth and place. Generally speaking, indie is opposed to the cultural logics and standards established by society.
Speaking specifically of music, indie rock originated in the 80s from bands that emerged from punk and hardcore and started to produce and record CDs independently. The movement developed almost simultaneously in the United States and England. The main bands from this period were Sonic Youth, Big Black, The Smiths, The Stone Roses, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Happy Mondays, My Bloody Valentin, etc.
In the 90's, the movement broke out in England with bands like Pavement, Oasis, Blur and Placebo. At the same time, in the United States, Nirvana and Pearl Jam achieved enormous success, which made their previously alternative (indie) music on marketables, attracting the attention of major record labels. Thus, bands that became commercial came to be called alternatives, while those that remained in the indie movement became known as

underground (“underground”, outside the commercial scene).
Typically, indie rock uses the same instruments as rock, such as drums, basses and electric guitars. The themes of the indie songs are also quite heterogeneous, with no theme characteristic of the style.

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DANTAS, James. "Indie"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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