Meaning of Heretic (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Heretic is the name given to the individual who professes a heresy, that is, that questions certain beliefs established by a particular religion. is the person who is contrary to dogma of a particular religion or sect.

An atheist individual can be categorized as a heretic, as he does not believe in the existence of God and does not practice religious duties. Just as an atheist can be considered a heretic by the Catholic Church, a Catholic can be considered a heretic by a practitioner of another religion who has different doctrines. In this way, the concept of heresy will vary according to the characteristic teachings of each religion.

Heretic originates from the Greek word, hairetikós, which means to choose. It was mentioned in the New Testament, as an element of choice, when man decides to follow his own opinions, creating new religious doctrines and following new sects, such as the Sadducees and the Pharisees.

the heretic and the inquisition

During the Middle Ages, when the Catholic Church began to feel threatened by people who criticized its teachings, Pope Gregory IX created the Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition. The religious court was created with the aim of combating heresies against the legitimacy of both power ecclesiastical and civil power, since at that time the power of the Church was clearly linked to the power of the state. In it the suspects of heresies were interrogated and tortured for the confession of guilt. Punishments were severe, heretics were tortured, hanged or burned alive.

See too:

  • Inquisition

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