Study indicates in which period of life sadness is most intense

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Extensive research, conducted in more than 134 countries, has revealed a stage of life known as the “age of sadness“.

This study, carried out by a professor at Dartmouth University in the United States and published in 2020, investigated the emotional state of people around the world. The results suggest that there is a period in our lives when feelings of sadness and frustration are more intense.

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Understanding the dynamics of the Happiness Curve

The concept of the happiness curve is central to this study. As we age, changes in the brain lead to a reevaluation of priorities. Gradually, ambition gives way to the search for meaningful personal connections.

This change directly affects how we perceive our happiness and well-being. Interestingly, this theory aligns with the idea of ​​the “40s crisis” and even astrological concepts like the “Saturn Return,” which symbolize transitions and reevaluations in adulthood.

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The transition of ages and emotions

Unlike youth or old age, where challenges are fewer and emotions such as euphoria and joy are more present, this intermediate phase of life is marked by painful transitions and a new way of seeing life. life.

The age group most prone to sadness

According to Dartmouth research, the most difficult phase of human life extends until age 40. After this milestone, people tend to value life more and begin to experience a renewed appreciation for existence.

This shift in perspective leads to an increase in gratitude and quality of life, especially after 50 years, when new goals are internalized and a new encounter with happiness begins to occur.

This finding challenges common notions about aging and happiness, suggesting that although youth is Often associated with joy, it is in maturity that many find deeper and more lasting satisfaction in life.

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