End of the mystery! Farmer teaches the secret to buying sweet watermelon

Watermelon is a fruit that belongs to the cucurbitaceae family, the same as cucumber, pumpkin and strawberry. Therefore, it is a species originating from the dry regions of Tropical Africa, where it grows wild.

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In this case, it is called citron melon, which began to be introduced into human agriculture five thousand years ago. During the 16th century it arrived in Brazil and won over the population, who were attracted by its sweet and light flavor.

Find out how to find out if a watermelon is really sweet

  • Buy watermelons with brown stems

Firstly, one of the tips for choosing a sweet and ripe watermelon is to observe the color of the stem. This part that connects the fruit to the stem, when showing a green color, indicates that the fruit was harvested ahead of time. For this reason, always choose stems that have a dark hue.

  • The spots should be yellow and not white

Secondly, be sure to look at the spots on the bark, which reflect areas that have been in contact with the ground. Therefore, if the mark is white, it is not a good sign. On the other hand, the yellow spot configures exposure to the sun, indicating that the fructose managed to be absorbed.

  • Check if the fruit is soft or compact

It is worth mentioning that the texture of the rind is also an excellent indicator when purchasing melons, watermelons and pumpkin. So, start by lightly pressing the skin and prioritize soft watermelons. However, they must not be withered, but yielding to pressure, in a firm and compact form.

  • Perform the sound test to hear the noise

Don't forget to perform the sound test, hitting the fruit with the palm of your hand or with your fingers in knots. That said, if there is a high-pitched sound, it's possible the watermelon is watery. However, the low sound reveals that the pulp is overcooked and the muffled tone demonstrates juiciness and flavor.

Finally, it is advisable to purchase watermelon in summer, a period in which the fruit is produced on a large scale and appears sweeter than on cold days.

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