Professional education is the best investment

One of the most profitable public investments in the country, in which, for every R$1 invested, there is a return of more than R$3. This is what research carried out by Insper (Institute of Education and Research), in partnership with Itaú Educação e Trabalho and Instituto Unibanco, points out, when evaluating the potential for ‘profitability’ of investment in secondary-level professional and technological education, taking into account the ‘egress’ from this training specialized.

According to the research – which analyzed 76 estimates of the impact of technical education, present in 16 selected studies – graduates of this level of education professional education are 5.5 percentage points more likely to be in the formal job market, compared to workers without training.

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Likewise, the chances of formal employment are 6.2 percentage points higher for graduates of technical training, compared to those who did not complete higher education.

In another approach, the study shows that secondary-level professional training increases the chance of of the individual being busy or looking for work, compared to those who only have regular secondary education complete.

Considering those who do not have higher education, those who have completed secondary professional and technological education have the advantage of up to 7.6 percentage points in the probability of employment and 18% if considering the group of individuals who only completed education basic.

Encouraging outlook – From a perspective, young people who complete technical education will, throughout their professional lives, earn an average salary that is 32% higher than those who complete regular secondary education.

According to the research, “the study data reveal that completing technical courses not only improves individual skills, but also significantly reduces the chances of graduates working in the informal segment of the economy. This finding emphasizes the strategic importance of promoting and strengthening technical education programs, not just as a means of personal development, but also as an effective instrument in building an increasingly more qualified”,

According to the calculations of one of those responsible for the research, Ricardo Paes de Barros, professionals who graduated from professional education and high school graduates can earn up to 12% more pay compared to those who only completed high school. “What should be improved is curricular complementarity. The technical course needs to be valued and better utilized by higher education”, highlighted Barros, also a professor at Insper.

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