What is Verbal Abuse? 4 examples of patterns to look out for

O verbal abuse it is widely used as a manipulation and oppression technique, as it is a type of abuse that does not leave visible marks, unlike being physically abused. Often, the victim has no idea they are being abused. With that in mind, below we will show you some signs so that you don't risk staying in any relationship in which the other person belittles you.

What is Verbal Abuse?

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There are still many people who have no idea what it's like to be verbally abused, even if they themselves have been, but didn't notice it. But, believe me, it is more common than it seems for people not to notice that they are being abused, even because the abuser himself is in charge to manipulate the other person very well so that they never notice or, even worse, make the person blame themselves and think they deserve it that one.

Verbal abuse is as strong and painful as physical abuse, it can be even more dangerous, as it can induce the person to do bad things to themselves, out of sadness or feeling guilty. Victims of this type of abuse feel stupid, inadequate, and worthless.

From the outside looking in, it's easy to recognize when they're being verbally abused, but what do these people don't know is that verbal aggression doesn't just happen with screams, offenses and other humiliations more notorious. Verbal aggression can often be very subtle, which makes it difficult for the victim to perceive the abuse.

Signs of verbal abuse:

  1. Does he or she insult you often? Being insulted frequently is a sign of abuse. Those insults delivered in a low, relaxed voice are a form of verbal abuse, and even if the other person is in a difficult day, have been through something and are stressed, insulting the other person will never be normal and acceptable.
  2. Does he or she make fun of you? If your partner makes frequent jokes about you, related to weight or appearance and gets angry if you are bothered, this is verbal abuse. Aggressors usually have this habit of ridiculing the other person in front of several others, precisely to generate discomfort in the other.
  3. Does he or she make you feel insecure? That person never praises you, he just puts you down, diminishes what you do or what you are using, leaves you with a shaken self-esteem. That's a verbal assault too.
  4. Does he or she threaten you often? When I speak of threats, I mean all kinds, even those made in the heat of the moment. All types of threats, no matter how small they may seem, are forms of psychological abuse.

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