Exercises on Interrogative Pronouns (with template)

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Identify the sentence where “que” is NOT an interrogative pronoun.

Answer key explained

In the sentence "I got the grades I expected.", the "which" is a relative pronoun, because it refers to a previous term, in this case, "the grades".

In the remaining sentences, "que" was used to formulate direct or indirect questions, which is why it is an interrogative pronoun.

Identify the sentences where “who” is an interrogative pronoun.

Answer key explained

In the sentence "I just want to know who you are.", the "who" was used to formulate an indirect question, which is why it is an interrogative pronoun.

In the remaining sentences, the "who" is:

a) I just met the lady I helped yesterday. (relative pronoun)

b) Happy are those who are healthy. (relative pronoun) d) Who warns a friend is. (indefinite pronoun)

which is it the address? Is it far from here?

b) I wanted to understand what what harm he did to you.

c) How many pens did you borrow?

d) Say which of them touched that material.

e) I need to know who is responsible for exchanges.

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Suggestions for possible answers:

direct interrogative sentence: What is the street?
indirect interrogative sentence: Tell us which street it is.

direct interrogative sentence: What are your favorite songs?
indirect interrogative sentence: I would like to know what your favorite songs are.

direct interrogative sentence: How much does the book cost?
indirect interrogative sentence: I would like to know how much the book costs.

direct interrogative sentence: How many people are left?
indirect interrogative sentence: I need to know how many people are missing.

Select the alternative in which the highlighted pronoun is an interrogative pronoun.

Answer key explained

In the sentence "I don't know what brought you here.", the "what" was used to formulate an indirect question, therefore, it is an interrogative pronoun.

In the remaining sentences, the "what" is:

The) How many they are there waiting for an opportunity… (indefinite pronoun)

w) Who He doesn't have a dog, he hunts with a cat. (indefinite pronoun) d) The person what Did you look for me yesterday? Are you back? (relative pronoun)

FERNANDES, Márcia. Exercises on Interrogative Pronouns (with template).All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: https://www.todamateria.com.br/exercicios-pronomes-interrogativos/. Access at:


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