Check questions on topics related to environmental impacts and problems, and see the answers commented on by our expert professors.
question 1
Of the options below, which no represents an environmental impact is:
a) acid rain
b) siltation of rivers
c) desertification
d) noise pollution
e) urban mobility
Correct alternative: e) urban mobility
The concept of urban mobility is related to the form and means used by the population to move within the urban space. Thus, the only option that does not represent an environmental impact is the letter e.
question 2
Climate change is one of the main environmental problems in the world that has affected a large part of the population of people, animals and plants.
This problem has several negative consequences for the environment, of which the following stand out:
a) increase in the temperature of the terrestrial globe.
b) decrease in ocean levels.
c) increased urbanization.
d) growth in industrialization.
e) reduction of greenhouse gases.
Correct alternative: a) increase in the temperature of the terrestrial globe.
Climate change is related to the increase in temperature on the globe. As greenhouse gases increase, heat is trapped and, consequently, the Earth's temperature increases.
This excessive heat is absorbed by the oceans, which directly affects the marine ecosystem.
One of the problems related to climate change is the melting of glaciers, which, in addition to raising sea levels, can affect coastal cities and islands.
It is worth noting that urbanization and industrialization are causes of climate change and not consequences.
question 3
_________ is one of the main environmental problems in Brazil that has occurred since the arrival of the Portuguese in 1500.
Of the alternatives below, the one that correctly fills the gap is:
a) silting
b) greenhouse effect
c) deforestation
d) soil impoverishment
e) use of pesticides
Correct alternative: c) deforestation
Deforestation, also called deforestation, is one of the oldest environmental problems that has occurred in Brazil since the arrival of the Portuguese in 1500.
The exploitation of Brazil wood, which took place in the colonial period, was the beginning of the elimination of part of the country's vegetation cover.
It is estimated that since 1970, Brazil has lost about 20% of its forests to deforestation.
Among the main causes of this environmental problem, we can mention: the increase in urbanization and agricultural and livestock activities; in addition to logging.
question 4
On August 19, 2019, residents of São Paulo were frightened by the late afternoon that darkened much of the city. This phenomenon was the result of fires that took place in the Amazon region.

Source: Accessed on July 21, 2020.
About the fires, it's incorrect claim:
a) one of the consequences of fires is the change in soil temperature and moisture.
b) fires only happen intentionally, that is, by people who start the fires.
c) fires intensify the greenhouse effect and global warming.
d) several agricultural practices are related to the causes of fires.
e) fires bring some benefits such as cleaning and fertilizing the soil.
Correct alternative: b) fires only happen intentionally, that is, by people who start the fires.
In addition to intentional fires caused by humans, there are also fires that occur naturally. In this case, they are beneficial and help in cleaning the site and fertilizing the soil.
Some agricultural practices benefit from burning, such as: manual harvesting of sugar cane, wood removal, germination and nutrient recycling. These practices are not considered harmful or criminal, as they are carried out in a controlled manner.
It is noteworthy that fires have several consequences for the environment, among which the following stand out: change in soil temperature and moisture; decrease in biodiversity; intensification of the greenhouse effect and global warming; increased air pollution.
question 5
Heat islands represent one of the urban environmental problems. This weather phenomenon happens due to:
a) the increase in fires in rural areas.
b) the decrease in the demographic density of urban centers.
c) the increase in thermal inversion in cities.
d) rising temperatures in some urban areas.
e) peripheral microclimates that directly affect cities.
Correct alternative: d) rising temperatures in some urban areas.
The heat island, also called the urban heat island (ICU), are microclimates identified by the increase in temperature in some areas of urban centers.
That's because the sun's rays that reach these places have difficulty to dissipate due to the constructions in big cities.
It is possible that when this happens, the temperature of the nearby rural areas, or even the peripheral areas, will show a difference of 5 to 10 degrees.
Thermal inversion is another phenomenon that happens in urban centers through the inversion of layers atmospheric, where cold air remains at low altitudes and warm air is trapped in the lower layers. high.
question 6
Many environmental impacts have serious and sometimes irreversible consequences for the environment. Some of them are caused by man and arise, above all, from the lack of environmental awareness, such as the indiscriminate use of natural resources.
All of the alternatives below provide examples of positive actions related to environmental awareness, except:
a) saving water and energy
b) the use of automobiles
c) the correct disposal of waste
d) the reduction in consumption
e) the use of biodegradable bags
Correct alternative: b) the use of cars
Many human actions damage the environment and, therefore, environmental education has been one of the most debated topics nowadays. Some examples involving environmental awareness are:
- avoid wasting water and energy;
- use vehicles that do not pollute the environment, for example, bicycles;
- use selective collection so that garbage can be recycled;
- reduce excessive consumption, thus avoiding unnecessary and increased waste;
- use cloth bags for shopping or even biodegradable bags.
question 7
I. The lack of sewage treatment is one of the main causes of water pollution, since a large part of domestic sewage is discharged into rivers and seas.
II. Soil pollution results from the use of pesticides, in addition to the production of garbage and the incorrect disposal of chemical products.
III. The main cause of air pollution is the release of carbon dioxide into the environment.
Regarding the environmental problems mentioned above, the following sentences are correct:
b) I and II
c) I and III
d) II and III
e) I, II and III
Correct alternative: e) I, II and III
All three sentences are correct.
Water pollution: The main cause of water pollution is the discharge of products and waste into water. This directly interferes with the quality of watercourses, leading to the imbalance of terrestrial and underground ecosystems.
Soil pollution: contact with industrial or domestic waste alters the soil, degrading its surface and generating toxic gases.
Air pollution: generated by the release of toxic pollutants into the atmosphere, of which the following stand out: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, lead, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.
question 8

In April, deforestation in the Amazon had an increase of 171% compared to the same period in 2019. The data are from the Deforestation Alert System (SAD), of the Amazon Institute of Man and Environment (Imazon), which registered 529 km² of deforested area in the biome in April, against 195 km² in the same month of the year past. The accumulated result for the first four months of 2020, according to SAD, is already 1,703 km², an area larger than the city of São Paulo (1,521 km²) and a number 133% higher than the same period in 2019, when the system registered 460 km² of deforestation.
Source: Accessed on July 22, 2020
Deforestation in the Amazon has grown exponentially since the 1970s. The main causes are:
a) logging and fires
b) fires and use of pesticides
c) logging and mining
d) use of pesticides and oil spills
e) oil spill and waste disposal
Correct alternative: a) logging and fires
The main causes of deforestation in the Amazon are related to the illegal activity of loggers who deforest a large part of the area to sell the product.
According to the Fire Occurrence Reports (ROI) of the Forest Fire Prevention and Combat Center of the Prefire, fires in the Amazon are mainly a result of environmental illiteracy and the expansion of borders agropastoral
question 9
Radioactive pollution is considered one of the worst types of pollution because:
a) causes deforestation of the vegetation cover.
b) accelerates the planet's desertification process.
c) uses artificial elements created in the laboratory.
d) releases gases and toxic elements into the atmosphere.
e) warms the seas and oceans causing the extinction of species.
Correct alternative: d) releases gases and toxic elements into the atmosphere.
Radioactive pollution is considered one of the most dangerous in the world, as it uses radioactive materials (natural and artificial) in nuclear power plants such as uranium, strontium, iodine, cesium, cobalt and plutonium.
Pollutant gases and toxic elements released into the atmosphere contaminate the environment, in addition to affecting the health of human beings generating chronic deformities, respiratory problems, cancer, mental disorders, poisoning, among others.
question 10
Global warming and the greenhouse effect are related phenomena. About this, it is correct to say:
a) The greenhouse effect and global warming are two environmental phenomena related to heat retention in the Earth's core.
b) The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon resulting from the rotation and translation of the Earth.
c) Global warming is the result of the intensification of the greenhouse effect and consists of an increase in the average temperatures of the planet and ocean waters.
d) The main greenhouse gases that hinder the dispersion of solar radiation and cause greater heat retention are helium and radon.
e) The main causes of global warming are related to maritime and continentality.
Correct alternative: c) Global warming is the result of the intensification of the greenhouse effect and consists of an increase in the average temperatures of the planet and the waters of the oceans.
The greenhouse effect and global warming are two related environmental phenomena.
The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that occurs through the concentration of gases in the atmosphere. These gases form a layer that allows the passage of sunlight and the absorption of heat. In this way, the greenhouse effect guarantees an adequate temperature for the planet, allowing the existence of life on the planet.
However, the biggest problem is the increase in the emission of polluting gases, called greenhouse gases, which accumulate in the atmosphere resulting in greater heat retention on the Earth. The main greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (CO2).
Global warming, on the other hand, corresponds to the increase in the average terrestrial temperature, caused by the accumulation of polluting gases in the atmosphere. With the intensification of the greenhouse effect, the temperatures of the Earth and the oceans increase, which directly affects ecosystems.
Learn more about this topic:
- Environmental impacts
- Environmental problems
- Environmental disasters in Brazil
- Environmental problems in Brazil
- Types of pollution