ALERT! Young man finds live larvae in popular Brazilian cookie

After opening a package of cookies, a 22-year-old young man found live larvae inside the food. The case took place in the city of Santos, on the coast of São Paulo, when the young man opened the package of the Passatempo brand, strawberry flavor. Upon being notified about the case, Nestlé, manufacturer of the stuffed biscuit, informed that it will reimburse the consumer with the amount paid for the package.

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The product was purchased by the boy's mother, Sara Ventura, at the beginning of the month. However, the cookie was only opened and consumed on November 18th. According to her statement, when her son took the first bite and noticed the larvae, she was outraged, given that there are children in the house. "I got angry. […] If the little ones had taken the cookie, they would have eaten it and gotten sick”, said Sara in an interview with G1.

Nestlé issues note on the case

Upon noticing the animals in the biscuit, Sara recorded a video showing the larvae walking around in the biscuits. According to her, all units in the package contained at least one larva. After the scare, Sara contacted Nestlé customer service, informing them about what had happened. In response, the company informed that it would reimburse the amount spent on the biscuit package.

In a note sent to Terra, Nestlé informed that “it values ​​the quality of its products and meets the quality standards required by internal and external legislation and standards. All production stages of its brands are monitored in the factories and there are no records of problems in the manufacture of Passatempo biscuits, which may undergo occasional changes due to storage conditions”.

Finally, the company also stated that, in relation to Sara's case, “disposal and refund protocols were followed, in addition to sending a new product. However, all initiatives were rejected by the consumer.”

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