Do you feel guilty when drinking a beer? New study takes that burden off you

A study carried out by a German university revealed that beer may bring more health benefits than many probiotic foods, which are those that contain live microorganisms that help balance intestinal flora.

The research was published in the scientific journal Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry and showed that beer is rich in nutrients and bioactive substances that can regulate human immune function and prevent diseases chronicles.

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Beer is one of the oldest and most popular drinks in the world, with a history that dates back to prehistoric times. According to a report by Kirin Holdings Company, Brazil is the third largest beer consumer in the world, behind only China and the United States.

Beer is produced from the fermentation of cereals, such as barley, wheat and corn, and contains alcohol, which can be harmful if consumed in excess.

Beer: a nutritious and bioactive drink

However, German scientists discovered that beer also has many essential amino acids, vitamins, trace elements and bioactive substances, such as polyphenols and flavonoids, which participate in the regulation of physiological functions human.

Therefore, these compounds can positively affect the intestinal microbiota, which is the set of bacteria that inhabit the intestine and which are responsible for several functions, such as digestion, absorption of nutrients and defense against infections.

Beer: an ally of the intestinal microbiota

Researchers claim that beer can stimulate the proliferation and activity of bacteria beneficial bacteria, such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, and inhibit pathogenic bacteria, which can cause illnesses. Furthermore, beer can regulate the intestinal microbiota, which is related to the health of the entire organism.

According to the authors, beer could be used in the future as a microbiological regulator or as an alternative therapy for chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity. They argue that this is an issue that deserves further investigation.

A source of minerals and fiber

Beer is also a source of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and zinc, and dietary fiber, thanks to the cereal's beta-glucans and arabinose-oligosaccharides. These components can contribute to bone, muscle and cardiovascular health, as well as improving intestinal transit and the feeling of satiety.

Moderate and conscious consumption

Scientists warn, however, that beer consumption should be moderate and within safe limits, as the Alcohol can cause serious damage to tissues and organs, as well as increasing the risk of addiction and accidents. Above all, they recommend that men consume no more than two cans of beer per day, and women, one can.

Finally, they also emphasize that beer does not replace a balanced and varied diet, and that it is necessary to practice physical activity regularly to maintain good health.

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