The use of "with you" and "with you"

The pronouns si and co are reflexive and, for this reason, refer to the subject of the sentence, for example:
Maria like to praise yes. The pronoun “si” refers to the subject “Mary”.
Maria like to talk I can. The pronoun “consigo” refers to the subject “Maria”.
It is common to use the words "own, even (a)" together with you and yourself to reinforce the idea of ​​the reflexive pronoun, which relates to a subject who does and suffers the action:
Maria likes to compliment herself. Maria likes to talk to herself.
It is incorrect to use "you" and "with you" without being reflective, as in:
I want to talk to you. (There isn't a guy who practices and suffers the action, so he's wrong.)
The right thing is: I want to talk to you.
The pronoun “with you” is not reflexive, as well as “with us” and “with you”. Therefore, they can be used in the following way: “I want to talk to you.”, “Leave it to me”, “The Lord is with you”.
Observation: In Portugal, the use of “you” and “with you” is acceptable.

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School -

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