Little Peruvian boy impresses with artistic talent and unusual aptitude

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At just 4 years old, little Peruvian Santiago Daniel Peña Garcia has demonstrated what can be called a natural talent for painting.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, the mother of the little boy, Adianée, reported that, since Santiago was 10 months old, he had been scratching the walls of the house with crayons, a behavior that was allowed and encouraged by her.

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Even though he has given the family a hard time, the little one's habit of scratching the walls has been evolving. Today, he paints every day and has even made his own version of a Van Gogh painting.

According to Adianée, when her son started painting the walls, her brother, the child's uncle, with whom they lived, complained about having to repaint the walls scratched by the little artist.

“At first, my brother didn’t like it because it wasn’t our home, but then he saw how much Santiago liked it. He basically painted every wall in the house. Our bedroom, hallway, kitchen and living room were covered. The owner also saw it when we left and was shocked, but we were already repainting so it was fine,” she said.

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Image: Personal collection on Instagram/reproduction

Still according to the young mother, it is essential to encourage the talent of her children. “I think if I had taken away his crayons, it would have killed his passion for creativity,” she said.

A great painter is forming

Nowadays, young Santiago Daniel Peña Garcia, who used to scribble on walls, dedicates at least 40 minutes of his day to painting.

In her interview, Adriane says that her son is inspired by cartoons he watches and even by herself.

His mother reports that he had to flee Venezuela in 2017, with his destination being Peru. When the boy was born, she couldn't even afford toys, which led her to create toys and decorations on her own.

“I produced books, teddy bears and even built a chimney for us one Christmas so we could have a classic celebration. Santiago would lie down next to me and watch as I painted, often holding my brushes. He has always been very intelligent since he was a baby. I could see this when he held my brushes”, said the mother.

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of working professionally as a Web Content Writer, writing articles in several different niches and formats.

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