MEC introduces changes to Sisu classification rules

The Ministry of Education (MEC) published Ordinance no. 2,027/2023 in the Official Gazette of the Union on November 20, updating the rules for classification in the Unified Selection System (Sisu) in accordance with the new Quota Law (Law no. 14,723/23), sanctioned in November 2023. These changes will come into effect from the next edition of Sisu, scheduled for January 2024.

Main changes

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Prior classification in broad competition

Candidates will first be classified in the broad competition. Then, those who meet the criteria for quotas will be classified according to the rules of the new Quota Law.

Specific quotas for quilombolas

The ordinance includes specific quotas for quilombolas, that is, remnants of quilombo communities belonging to ethnic-racial groups.

Reduction of family income for vacancy reservations

There was a reduction in family income for vacancies, ensuring a more equitable distribution.

Concept of people with disabilities and quilombolas

The concept of a person with a disability was changed and quilombolas were included in the vacancy reserve.

Ordinance no. 2,027/2023 modifies MEC Normative Ordinances no. 18/2022, which deals with the reservation of places in federal universities and federal secondary-level technical education institutions, and MEC n. 21/2012, which deals with Sisu.

The first article of the new ordinance changes the text that defines people with disabilities, including quilombolas in the reservation of places. The standard also highlights the guarantee of at least one place for each reservation per type of quota, following article 5 of Decree no. 7,824/2012, and the practice of rounding up in the calculation stages.

The annex to the ordinance presents updated formulas for calculating reserved vacancies, applicable both by Sisu and by federal public institutions in their own selection processes.

These changes seek to promote greater equity and inclusion in access to higher education through Sisu.

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