When we were little we learned that to live in a group, things will not always happen according to our intentions. Little by little, in the relationship with our family, we are discovering that some attitudes are not well accepted by people and we created the first rules of coexistence. However, as time goes by, we lose the habit of being kind to others.
Due to the rush of daily life, people find themselves stressed, with no time to have fun and alleviate their tensions, thinking that you have the right to mistreat others, talk in any way, tease or deal with disdain.
These attitudes make people turn away from each other, as no one likes to be treated harshly and disparagingly.
Some words express politeness and politeness in the way we treat others. On the other hand, there are others that show a lack of consideration and disrespect. It is important that magic words are part of our routine of coexistence, because through them we can place ourselves as educated people, who wish well for their neighbors.
Before treating a person in any way, it's good to put yourself in their shoes, trying to understand what they like and what they don't like or how will your reaction be when you hear what you want to say, because each one has its peculiarities, its way of being and Act.
Thinking about the other is a way to be polite.
There are basic rules for how we should treat ourselves to be able to maintain a pleasant relationship with everyone. Good morning, good afternoon and good night with a smile on your face; don't speak ill of people; address others without using harsh and grotesque words; maintain polite attitudes; you use the magic words – please excuse me thank you; ask if everything is ok; show interest in other people's things; listen carefully to what the other person wants to say; not talking over the other's speech, but one at a time; hand over the chair you are sitting in to older people, etc.
It is good to remember that people are not the same and that differences serve to enrich life, to bring coexistence experiences that add to us ethical and moral values, as long as they are seen from this form. Looking at the other critically, not accepting and respecting their way of being can make us believe that everything should happen according to our wishes.
In fact, what the other has that bothers us the most is what we would like to have or be equal to and, as we can't, we create resistance in accepting the other's reach.
Don't affront the other, but resist your own ability not to accept them. This exercise will lead you to gain new feelings about the people you live with, in addition to making you grow as a person and be well seen and well liked by everyone.
By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy
Brazil School Team
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Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/sociologia/principios-educacaocomo-tratar-proximo.htm