No more 'destroying' your nails: this trick cleans the oven glass effortlessly

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Keeping your stovetop oven glass clean can be challenging, especially after preparing those revenues succulents that result in spills and stains that are difficult to remove. However, there is a simple and effective homemade trick that can turn this arduous task into something quick and easy.

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Learning homemade formulas can be a great solution to save time and a lot of money. Check out the complete step-by-step guide to make your oven glass as if it had just left the factory.

The homemade formula is here:


  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • 1/4 cup white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon liquid dishwashing soap
  • Warm water - Non-abrasive sponge
  • Dry cloth

Step by step to clean the oven glass

  • Make a powerful mix:

In a bowl, combine the bicarbonate of soda, white vinegar and liquid dishwashing soap. Stir well until a thick and homogeneous paste forms.

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  • Remove oven racks and accessories:

Before applying the mixture, remove the oven racks and any removable accessories. This will make access to the glass easier and ensure a more thorough cleaning.

  • Apply the paste to the oven glass surface:

Using a spatula or brush, apply the paste directly to the oven glass surface. Make sure to cover all areas with stains and dirt. Let the paste act for about 15 minutes.

  • Scrub with a non-abrasive sponge:

After the paste has worked for a while, use a non-abrasive sponge to scrub the oven glass. Firm, circular movements will help loosen accumulated dirt. Pay attention to the most problematic areas.

  • Rinse with warm water:

Using a damp cloth or sponge, rinse the oven glass with warm water. Make sure to completely remove the paste and any remaining dirt. If necessary, repeat the process in the most difficult areas.

  • Dry with a clean cloth:

After rinsing, completely dry the oven glass with a clean, dry cloth. This will prevent stains from forming and provide a shiny finish.

Why the formula works in your oven

  1. Baking soda: acts as a mild abrasive, removing stains and dirt without damaging the glass.
  2. White vinegar: has degreasing properties and helps dissolve food residues.
  3. Liquid dishwashing soap: enhances the cleaning action and contributes to the removal of fat.

In addition to being an effective solution, this homemade formula is an economical and environmentally friendly alternative to commercial cleaning products. The ingredients are common in practically every home, making this mixture a practical option for keeping the oven glass always spotless.

Now that you know this homemade trick, cleaning the stove oven glass will no longer be a difficult task. Enjoy the simplicity of this powerful formula and ensure a kitchen environment that is always bright and inviting.

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