How to make your meat board white: 4 steps and it looks like new!

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Traditional plastic meat cutting boards, known for their affordability and effectiveness in kitchen, often suffer from an unwanted grimy appearance over time, even after careful washing.

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Although the accumulation of food waste, especially meat, may be inevitable, there is a surprising technique to solve this problem and return your board to the look it had when it was new.

Meat board: an essential utensil

The meat cutting board is an essential kitchen utensil used to cut and prepare food. Its origin dates back to antiquity, when humans began to domesticate animals to obtain meat and develop more advanced culinary techniques.

Need for food processing

As humans began to hunt and domesticate animals, as well as cultivate plants, the need to process these foods arose. A meat cutting board, or a flat surface for cutting food, was a practical solution.

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Traditional materials

Initially, meat planks were made from locally available materials such as wood. Over time, other materials such as plastic and marble were introduced to suit different needs and preferences.

The usefulness of the board

The main function of the cutting board is to provide a safe and sturdy surface for cutting meat, vegetables, fruits and other foods. It prevents damaging the knives and protects work surfaces.

Furthermore, by using it it is possible to maintain a more hygienic work area. The board can be cleaned easily, reducing the risk of cross-contamination between different foods.

As well, the meat board provides a stable surface for cutting food, which contributes to the cook's safety. Prevents the knife from slipping and helps prevent accidents.

How to revitalize your meat board in 4 steps

The solution to revitalizing your meat board is simple and requires just two items. Follow the step by step below to enjoy a clean, ready-to-use cutting board:

  • Step 1: Removing surface dirt

First of all, remove excess surface dirt and grease from the board. After washing, cover the top with sheets of paper towel, ensuring the board is completely covered.

  • Step 2: applying bleach

Apply a small amount of Bleach of your choice on paper towel sheets, ensuring that they are completely soaked. Add a second layer of leaves.

  • Step 3: letting the solution act

Let the solution act for five minutes. The paper towel will absorb residue from the board, helping to remove impurities.

Step 4: removing the paper sheets

After the waiting time, remove the leaves in a uniform movement, pressing downwards, as if you were carrying out conventional cleaning.

Renewed and clean meat board

By following these simple steps, all stains and dirt will easily disappear, leaving your meat board with a renewed appearance, free of impurities and stains.

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