1-ton, 500-year-old stone snake head found in Mexico; look!

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A stone head in the shape of snake was found in Mexico after the earthquake that happened in September 2022. The stone artifact weighs approximately 1.2 tons and was on the grounds of a college in the country's historic region.

Researchers from Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) disclosed that they excavated 4.5 meters to be able to remove the stone snake that is 1 m high, 1.8 m long and 85 cm wide. width.

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The historic object was only located after the earthquake that hit Mexico, mainly in the states of Colima and Michoacán, on September 19, 2022.

Even though it was far from the center of Mexico City, the earthquake rated at magnitude 7.7 managed to destroy several parts of nearby cities and the underground of the Mexican capital.

Thus, those responsible for a law school identified that a stone object was on the institution's soil. Therefore, INAH was contacted to analyze the monument.

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After removing the sculpture, experts noticed pigmentation that covered 80% of the stone head with shades of red, black, blue and white, suggesting that the piece originally had colors stunning.

(Image: LANCIC/UNAM/INAH/Reproduction)

The results obtained in almost a year indicate that the giant stone snake belongs to the period of the Aztec Empire and is around 500 years old. The snake had an important meaning in Aztec culture, being a sign of fertility and rebirth.

Regarding the colors, the INAH statement also noted that the pigmentation found resembles the colors that were used by Mexicans to decorate temples and cult images.

Stone snake from the Aztec Empire

The fact that most impressed researchers about this discovery is that the stone snake was preserved and had its original colors. They believe that contact with mud and underground water was responsible for its preservation over the years.

Because of this, the stone snake was placed in an airtight humidity space. This protective chamber has the function of preserving the monument during studies.

(Image: LANCIC/UNAM/INAH/Reproduction)

For Barajas Rocha, one of those responsible for the study, the team's main objective is to preserve the colors found in the sculpture.

In this way, the environment created by the researchers is completely sealed and equipped with technology that can record and control the humidity of the piece.

As color analysis will be a slow process, the next results should be released next year. At the moment, the team is dedicated to historical studies and the symbolism of the Aztec stone snake.

* With information from National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH)

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