Black Awareness Day: see 10 films about racism

O Black conscience day is celebrated tomorrow, November 20th. The date remembers the struggle of enslaved Africans in the past and reinforces the importance of combating racism in Brazil and around the world.

According to This article, racism is a form of prejudice and discrimination based on a controversial term, which is sociologically reviewed and of which genetics also begins a review: race. In the 19th century, it was understood that skin color and geographic origin of individuals promoted a differentiation of races.

O racism It is a topic frequently discussed in entrance exams, Enem, competitions and other selection processes.

As a way of remembering the importance of Black Awareness Day, we list films that bring the topic of racism to the surface and that can help with studies.

10 films about racism

1) Time of Glory (1989)

The film shows the story of black soldiers led by a white officer who need to show their value on the battlefield and overcome prejudice. The behind-the-scenes production is United States Civil War (USA).

Why watch?

Often discussed in Hollywood films, racism is a rich topic that can be discussed both in history tests and in Enem essays, for example.

Where to watch?

The film Time of Glory can be seen on Netflix.

2) Cross Stories (2011)

The film takes place in the 1960s in Jackson, a small town in the state of Mississippi. Skeeter is a white girl from high society who returns to the village determined to become a writer. She begins to interview black women in the city, who left their lives to work raising the children of the white elite, which displeases part of society.

Why watch?

The feature film addresses racial issues in the southern United States in the 1960s, a subject that can be included in the tests.

Where to watch?

The film Crossed Stories can be found at Star +.

3) Mandela (1994)

Inspired by the autobiography of Nelson Mandela, released in 1994, the film covers the entire path taken by the South African leader in his fight to end Apartheid, which includes 27 years in prison for what he believed in.

Find out what Apartheid was

Why watch?

Mandela is one of the most important black characters in world history and his fight for the end of Apartheid could also be tested.

Where to watch?

The Mandela film is not available on any streaming services at the moment.

4) Emicide: AmarElo – It’s all for yesterday (2020)

In the documentary, musician Emicida presents the story behind his songs and the process of creating the album/project AmarElo. He explains the reasons that led him to choose the Teatro Municipal de São Paulo as the stage for the launch of his album, since the place is rarely frequented by residents of the outskirts.

Why watch?

Full of references to other content, the work is a rich opportunity to learn about the history of Brazilian music and the influences of the black movement in History of Brazil.

Where to watch?

The film Emiciada: AmarElo - It's all for yesterday is available on Netflix.

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5) Doctor Gama (2021)

This national production portrays the life and work of the leader, poet, journalist and lawyer Luiz Gama (1830-1882), born in the state of Salvador, and one of the three great Brazilian abolitionists. Considered the patron of the Abolition of Slavery in Brazil, Gama fought for the rights of slaves and for them to obtain their manumission letter.

Why watch?

Leader Gama was one of the big names who fought discrimination and prejudice in Brazil – topics discussed in Enem and entrance exams, as well as racism.

Where to watch?

The film Doutor Gama can be seen on the streaming platform GloboPlay.

6) Summer of Soul 

The production highlights the Harlem Cultural Festival, which took place for six weeks in 1969, in the United States. The festival featured black artists and focused on culture, especially music and fashion. The documentary highlights that, although the event did not have as much repercussion, as, for example, the Woodstock Festival, was important historically. There are interviews with several African-American artists, including Stevie Wonder, Nina Simone and B.B. King.

Why watch?

The importance of black people in society, the racism they still experience and racial prejudice justify why this documentary should be seen.

Where to watch?

The film Summer of Soul is not available on any streaming platform.

7) Run (2017)

In this suspense film, the protagonist travels to meet his girlfriend's family and comes across several disturbing surprises.

Why watch?

The film Get Out shows how racism is still present in society, even if in a subtle way.

Where to watch?

O The film Get Out is available on Netflix.

8) Green Book: The Guide

In the 1960s, in the United States, a black pianist and his white driver become great friends.

Why watch?

Another film that reflects on racism and, especially, the racial segregation that existed in the USA in the 1960s.

Where to watch?

The film Green Book: The Guide can be found at Amazon Prime.

9) Judas and the Black Messiah

The film portrays the story of Fred Hampton, a black leader who was president of the Illinois state branch (USA) of the Black Panther movement. The members of this party were socialist activists and opposed to the Vietnam War.

The FBI, the US Federal Police, monitored the actions of activist leaders like Hampton. With the aim of sabotaging the Black Panthers, the FBI hires a black militant to get closer to the movement's leader.

In 1969, when Hampton was meeting with other members of the Black Panthers, police stormed the place and killed him. Fred Hampton was murdered at age 21.

Read too: the history of the Black Panthers in the racial struggle in the USA

Why watch?

Hampton was one of the important black leaders of the late 1960s who fought for political and social rights, as did Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. Topics such as black movements, racial prejudice and the fight against police violence are important discussions that can be discussed in entrance exams.

Where to watch?

The film Judas and the Black Messiah is available on Amazon Prime.

10) One Night in Miami (2021)

The film “One Night in Miami” shows the life of North American heavyweight boxer Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr., better known as Muhammad Ali. The boxer, who passed away in 2016, is considered one of the most important sportsmen in the world.

Parallel to Ali's story, the production focuses on his friendship with three other personalities who were part of of the black movement in the USA: activist Malcolm X, singer Sam Cooke and American football player Jim Brown. The film chronicles a fictional meeting between the four at a hotel in Miami.

Why watch?

Another feature film that portrays important personalities who fought, each in their own way, for the rights of black people in the United States.

Remember the death of George Floyd and the "black lives matter" movement

Where to watch?

The film One Night in Miami can be found at Amazon Prime.

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