Heloisa Helena Lima de Moraes Carvalho

Name for electronic voting machine: Heloísa Helena
Date of birth: June 6, 1962
Nationality: Brazilian born
Place of birth: Sugarloaf (AL)
Level of Education: Complete University
Professions: nurse, teacher and Brazilian politics

Marital Status: Legally Separated
Political Party: Socialism and Freedom Party - PSOL
Number: 50
Coalition: Left Front
Coalition Composition: PSTU / PCB / PSOL
– Who is Heloisa Helena?
Heloísa Helena, divorced and mother of two, was born on June 6, 1962, in the small town of Pão de Açúcar, a municipality of 28 thousand inhabitants, located in the heart of the Alagoas hinterland, on the banks of the São River Francisco.
Heloísa Helena lived in her childhood with serious health problems. Due to her frailty, mother Helena promised not to cut her hair until she was seven years old. The look of long hair and ponytail ended up being incorporated into adulthood. Her father Luiz, who was an income tax inspector, died when Heloisa was just two months old. If she learned to sew with her mother, which she still does today – in fact, she usually wears the blouses she produces -, with the writer Graciliano Ramos has known historically the struggle of the sertanejos against social injustices and ended up incorporating them like hers.

Heloísa Helena has a degree in Nursing and is a professor at the Health Center of the Federal University of Alagoas, at chair of Epidemiology, licensed without pay since he assumed political positions in the beginning of the decade of 90.
Heloísa Helena started her political activity in the student movement during the military regime. Afterwards, she became part of the Teachers and Union Movements. The senator has a strong connection with the union, popular, rural and indigenist movements.
In 1992 she was elected deputy mayor, at the age of 30, by the PSB / PT coalition in an expressive victory of the progressive forces which meant the first major setback of the oligarchies of Alagoas in the political structures of the City Hall of Maceio. The candidate was based on the rights of the people, such as health and education.
In 1994, with an expressive vote in the Capital (Maceió) and in the interior of the State of Alagoas, she won a seat in the Legislative Assembly of the State of Alagoas.
As a representative of the Popular and Democratic Movement, she sought to incorporate interests into the Legislative popular, provoking and stimulating direct discussions on the issues of Health, Education and Agrarian Reform among others.
Her permanent preoccupation with the mass struggle distinguished her as a mediator in different conflicts, in the different instances, and that led her to face even the repressive and police forces of the State.
In this field, the support to the Landless and Homeless Movements stands out; the invasion of the Palácio dos Martírios, seat of the Government of the State of Alagoas alongside the state civil service; the taking of the Legislative Assembly for 18 days; and finally, the historic July 17, 1997, which culminated in the overthrow of the Divaldo Suruagy government.
Due to her connection with union, popular, rural and indigenist movements, Heloísa Helena has always fought against violence and impunity. He participated in the CPI on Organized Crime in Alagoas, denouncing and confronting criminal organizations within the public security apparatus.
In the Special Commission, he requested the presence of representatives of public security in the Legislative branch to clarify the growing wave of violence and violation of human rights in Alagoas.
As a defender of the extinction of the political immunity of governors and parliamentarians, in cases of involvement with offenses provided for in the Penal Code, presented a proposal to the Legislative of Alagoas to regulate the question.
Heloísa Helena, who seeks to qualify the political-institutional debate in the defense of collective interests, honesty and public ethics, confronted herself at the level state, with the relationship between the state machine and bankrupt oligarchies, denouncing the distortions and irregularities responsible for the financial crisis that hit Alagoas.
In 1998, in the October elections, Heloísa Helena was elected, by the Workers' Party, the first senator from Alagoas, with a total of 374,931 votes (55.92% of the votes for the seat in the Senate Federal). The difference between the vote of Heloísa Helena and her main opponent was 127,579 votes. Until then, she was considered a petista with a card.
In 1999, in the first year of her term in the Federal Senate, she stood out for the way in which she fought the neoliberal policy of Fernando Henrique Cardoso-with the dismantling of the social, state and national economic policies, which produced the broadest process of social exclusion ever seen in Brazil, leading thousands of workers to despair Brazilians.
His outstanding presence in the debates of the plenary of the Federal Senate and the National Congress, in the Affairs Committee Social Committees of the Senate-of which she was vice-president-at the meetings of the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship; of Economic Affairs; Infrastructure Services and the Oversight and Control Committee, as well as the Senate Ethics Council, which she held, accredited her to be elected party and opposition bloc leader in the Senate for the year 2000.
She was also a member of the Permanent Subcommittees on the Elderly and on Cases of Labor Exploitation and Prostitution Children and Youth, the Special Committee of the São Francisco River and the Mixed Committee on Plans, Public Budgets and Oversight.
Due to public differences over the Lula government's economic policy, she was expelled from the PT party in December 2003 together with federal deputies João Batista “Babá” and Luciana Son in law.
She toured Brazil helping to collect 500,000 signatures from citizens on the streets, necessary to legalize the Socialism and Freedom Party (P-SOL). In 2004, on June 6th, she managed to found the P-SOL, being at the head of the party's leadership in the Federal Senate.
She served as head of the Special Committee for the International Year of Latin American Women and as an alternate to the Special Committee on Corruption in the State of Rondônia.
In June 2005, she was chosen to be a member of the Joint Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on Corruption in the Post Office.
In August 2005 she was awarded, by the Government of the State of Alagoas, with the Medal Marechal Floriano Peixoto.
On September 20, 2005, she received the Pedro Ernesto Medal of Merit, granted by the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro.
In November 2005, in a free election promoted by Forbes Brasil magazine, she was elected as the most influential woman in politics and in the Brazilian legislature. In December, communication professionals, advertising agencies and readers of Isto É Gente Magazine elected Heloísa Helena as Personality of the Year 2005.
The assets of Heloísa Helena
What the candidate declared to the TSE

Description Price R$)
1/6 of an apartment in Marechael Deodoro, Alagoas 4.176,66
Financing at Banco do Brasil 31.398,00
balance in savings 51,05
Automobile Palio 2004/05 23.248,68
Suzuki Jeep 62.260,80
Total 121.136,14

The registration of the candidacy for president of Heloísa Helena in the Superior Electoral Court points to a net worth of R$59 thousand and a ceiling of R$5 million for campaign expenses in 2006. In 1998, the year of her election as senator, Heloísa declared that she had only one Gol vehicle, in 1994, in the amount of R$3,000. Four years ago, the equity declared by the senator was R$59,96.75.
The electoral legislation does not oblige the candidate to disclose the property of his family members nor does it require him to update the values ​​of properties acquired in the past. With this, the comparison between the evolution of politicians' assets is not always the most accurate, since there is no uniformity in the criteria adopted by the candidates.
left front
The Left Front is an electoral front formed in the 2006 General Elections (Brazil) by the parties PSTU, PSOL and PCB, presenting Senator Heloísa Helena's candidacy for the Presidency of the Republic.
The Front was initially proposed in 2005 in a manifesto launched by the PSTU during the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, RS. After several discussions, including the controversy surrounding the vice-presidency that ended up occupied by sociologist César Benjamin (the PSTU's proposal was that it be occupied by the metallurgist and unionist José Maria de Almeida) was finally conformed in May of 2006.
Programmatic discussions that made the Front possible
The constitution of the front is based on a program that was discussed between the leaderships of the parties that make it up.
The first basis of agreement has to do with an anti-imperialist stance. The common text defends the break with imperialism and a campaign against the payment of external and internal debts based on the Jubilee campaign South: “The proposal of a new alternative economic and social project requires structural changes that Brazilian capitalism has never carried out and, milestones of neoliberal globalization, are farther away than ever because they cannot be achieved without a break with domination imperialist".
In addition, an assessment of the importance of direct struggles is incorporated: “We want to dispute this institutional space, build a pole of the left and elect parliamentarians. But we believe that the electoral campaign, as well as any mandates, should be at the service of the direct struggles of the workers, poor people, democratic demands, anti-imperialist, ecological, in short, against all the injustices promoted for capital against the majority of the people and life, because direct struggles are crucial to conquer favorable changes for the majority of the people. Direct struggles can really advance the country towards socialism."
Finally, the question of class independence from the bourgeoisie (large businessmen, bankers and landowners) Thus, this left electoral front does not include any party linked to these sectors and will not accept their donations to the campaign.
SOCIALISM AND FREEDOM PARTY, official website. Available in: http://www.psol.org.br/ Accessed on: 20 Aug. 2006.
SENATOR HELOISA HELENA, official website. Available in: http://www.senado.gov.br/web/senador/hehelena/index.htm. Accessed on: 20 Aug. 2006.
HELOISA HELEN 50 PRESIDENT. Available in: http://www.heloisahelena.com.br/. Accessed on: 20 Aug. 2006.
Heloisa Helena. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 19 Aug. 2006. Available in: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helo%C3%ADsa_Helena. Accessed on: 20 Aug. 2006.
Left front. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 20 Aug. 2006 Available at: http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frente_de_esquerda. Accessed on: 20 Aug. 2006.
SARDINE, Edson. Equity difference between candidates reaches 87 times. Congress in Focus, 06 Jul. 2006. Available in: http://www.congressoemfoco.com.br/Noticia.aspx? id=7573. Accessed on: 20 Aug. 2006.
Heloísa Helena 50 - Candidate for president of the republic by the PSOL. Doublethink. Available in: http://www.duplipensar.net/dossies/eleicoes-2006/heloisa-helena-psol-50.html. Accessed on: 20 Aug. 2006.

Order H - Biography - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biografia/heloisa-helena-lima-de-moraes-carvalho.htm

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