Meaning of Pomba rotates (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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cute dove is spiritual entity of Umbanda and Candomblé, considered a female exu and the messenger between the world of the orixás and the Earth.

In African-based religions, such as Umbandas and Candomblés, the figure of the dove gira arises from Bombogira, a male exu.

Over time, Bombogira came to be seen as the model of a sensual, exhibitionist, provocative and free from social conventions woman, and came to be called a dove gira.

The rotating dove is a spirit linked to the lust and pleasures of this world, its function is to help those who ask for protection.

According to some priests, the beautiful dove is made up of the spirits of women who were prostitutes in life, or women connected with carnal pleasures. Upon death, according to Umbanda, these women transform themselves into spiritual entities that return to evolve helping others.

The dove gira specializes in love and relationships as it is the "orisha of the throne of desire and stimuli". She is seen as the personification of the forces of nature, which is equivalent to the female strength of Exu – orixá guardian of human behavior, houses and villages.

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The predominant colors of the dove gira are red and black. She is represented with full skirts, lace blouses, necklaces, flowers and many ornaments. According to the belief, her favorite offerings are champagne, wine, drip, mirror, jewelry and lipsticks.

An example of a singing dove for spinning dove:

in red and black
Dressed in the night the mystery brings
she is pretty girl
Hi, spinning, spinning, spinning there

know All about Umbanda.

See also about Yemanja and Oxossi.

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