Oblique or oblique pronouns oblique case are a personal pronoun category, next to the pronouns in the straight case. Exercise the direct or indirect object function in a prayer.
The personal pronouns in the oblique case are: me, me, with me, you, you with you, if, if, with, the, the, him, he, she, us, us, with you, you, you, with you, the, the, them, they, they.
Examples of oblique pronouns:
"No The Seeing is an ordeal for me."
"The bricklayer brought the tools with you".
"She always talks about me".
"Us us We dress to go out."
"They tried to sellhim a pig in a poke".
They exist two types of oblique pronouns in Portuguese: the unstressed and the tonics.
Unstressed Oblique Pronouns
Unstressed oblique pronouns perform the syntactic function of complement. Unlike tonic oblique pronouns, they are not accompanied by a preposition. They are called "unstressed" because they do not have a tonic accent, that is, they are pronounced without intensity. Are they:
1st person singular | me |
2nd person singular | you |
3rd person singular | the, the, if, him |
1st person plural | us |
2nd person plural | you |
3rd person plural | the, as, if, him |
Examples of unstressed oblique pronouns:
"I me I got up early to work."
"Pedro if injured during the football game."
"Us us we'll meet in the park."
"Ana met her friends and you invited him to dinner."
Changes in the form of unstressed oblique pronouns
1. When verbs end in r, sor z, the pronouns O, you, The, to thewill be transformed into it,there, them, them.
"We shouldn't sellthere."
"The manager didit pay."
As soon as they arrive we will pick you upthem."
2. When the endings have nasal diphthongs (to the, oh, oem, am, in), the pronouns O, you, The, to the turn into at the, at, us, in the.
"Fast! Take it awayat the so!".
"Give-us bread every morning."
"The orders were broughtin the by far".
Placement of unstressed oblique pronouns
There are basically three positions in which these pronouns can be placed in relation to the verb: proclisis, enclisis It is mesoclisis.
1. Proclisis: when the unstressed oblique pronoun is placed before the verb.
"No me say it."
"He you returned your book."
"Where you Did you meet him?"
2. Enclisis: when the unstressed oblique pronoun is placed after the verb, usually linked to it by a hyphen.
"Say-me the truth."
"Read-them out loud."
"I hate-you!"
3. Mesoclisis: The unstressed oblique pronoun is inserted in middle of the verb, between the root and the suffix. It is the least common placement.
"Kiss-it-Hey if possible."
"Far-if- I went to work without any problems."
"To give-you-hey heaven, my dear."
Tonic Oblique Pronouns
These are oblique pronouns pronounced with more intensity than the unstressed ones. They perform the function of indirect object, therefore requiring the presence of a preposition for its insertion in prayer. Are they:
1st person singular | me, with me |
2nd person singular | you, with you |
3rd person singular | he, she, you, you |
1st person plural | us, with us |
2nd person plural | you, with you |
3rd person plural | they, they, themselves, with you |
Examples of stressed oblique pronouns:
"My children believe in me."
"Neighbors talked about us."
"Our friends want to have dinner with us."
"With you Nobody plays."
"Nothing was wrong with she."
- BECHARA, Evanildo. School Grammar of the Portuguese Language. Rio de Janeiro: Lucerna, 2009.
- CUNHA, Celso; CINTRA, Lindley. New grammar of contemporary Portuguese. Lisbon: Edições João Sá da Costa, 2015.
See too:
- Pronoun
- Adjective
- Verb
- Adverb
- Preposition
- Relative pronouns
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