Demography. Population Geography and Demography

THE demography is the area of ​​knowledge that is concerned with studying behavior, transformations and general dynamics of the population, using mainly statistical elements and surveys qualitative. This branch of knowledge is very close to population geography, which, similarly, is also concerned with population dynamics, emphasizing social issues related to geographic space.

Population is defined as the number of people who inhabit a particular territory or region. Thus, their growth cycles, their average income level, their distribution, among others factors, are of fundamental importance for understanding the functioning of the various aspects of space Social.

One of the most studied demographic elements by Population Geography and Demography is the population growth rate. The accelerated or decelerated growth of populations is something constantly debated and theorized by specialists and theorists in these areas of knowledge. Specifying in detail how this factor works is important for planning public policies and social actions.

The main Brazilian body for research on population is the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, the IBGE. This body performs the Demographic Census, an important and comprehensive way to statistically quantify the most diverse data and information, ranging from the population's income and health to their religious preference.

In this section, texts involving the various demographic themes and concepts are available. related not only to Population Geography, but to various areas of knowledge, such as sociology and economy. We hope to provide an opportunity for reading and discussing themes concerning population dynamics.

Good reading!

By Rodolfo Alves Pena
Graduated in Geography

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