September 29th — World Heart Day

World Heart Day is celebrated annually on September 29. This day was proposed by Antoni Bayés de Luna, a former president of the World Heart Federation. This is a date especially dedicated to raising awareness among the population about the risks of cardiovascular diseases and how to prevent them.

Read too: April 7th — World Health Day

Topics in this article

  • 1 - Summary of World Heart Day
  • 2 - What is the origin of World Heart Day?
  • 3 - Objectives of World Heart Day
  • 4 - Importance of World Heart Day
  • 5 - Main heart diseases
  • 6 - 5 tips for taking care of your heart

Summary about World Heart Day

  • World Heart Day is celebrated annually on September 29th.
  • It was created through a partnership between the World Heart Federation and the World Health Organization.
  • It is celebrated annually on September 29th.
  • It aims to raise awareness among the world's population about the risk of heart disease and how to prevent it.
  • It is an important date, as it brings together the efforts of various sectors of the community to debate a topic that is extremely relevant to the health of the world's population.
  • Arrhythmia, congenital heart disease and heart failure are among the main diseases that affect the heart.
  • Practicing regular physical activity, stopping smoking and eating healthy are important practices to avoid heart disease.

What is the origin of World Heart Day?

World Heart Day is celebrated annually on September 29th. This day was created in 1999 through a partnership between the World Heart Federation (FMC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Its creation was originally proposed by Antoni Bayés de Luna, president of the FMC between 1997 and 1999, and intended to raise awareness among the population about the risks of cardiovascular diseases and how to prevent them.

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World Heart Day goals

The main objective of World Heart Day is to raise awareness among all people, worldwide, about the dangers of cardiovascular diseases.. Its objectives are also to inform about measures that must be taken to maintain heart health and prevent the occurrence of heart disease and cerebrovascular accidents (CVA).

Through the dissemination of information via news, television reports, speeches made by influential people, advertisements, posters and podcasts, among other resources used to connect with people, World Heart Day becomes a reference for the community to join forces to promote education among the population about cardiovascular diseases and how to prevent yourself.

Importance of World Heart Day

Cardiologist talking to a patient in reference to World Heart Day, celebrated on September 29th.
World Heart Day is a date dedicated to raising awareness among the world's population about heart diseases and necessary care.

World Heart Day is important as it is a date especially dedicated to the debate and awareness of the population on issues related to cardiovascular health. Celebrated annually on September 29th, this date brings together health organizations, doctors and other professionals in the field of health, universities, schools and other members of the community to celebrate and recognize the importance of taking care of the heart.

please note that myocardial infarction, stroke and heart failure are diseases that affect the heart and blood vessels and that, combined, they are responsible for the deaths of 20.5 million people per year, worldwide, which justifies the relevance of this date.

Also access: November 27th — National Cancer Day

Main heart diseases

In Brazil, around 14 million people have cardiovascular disease, and around 400,000 people die each year as a result of heart disease. Among the main diseases that affect the heart are:

  • Arrhythmia: In this disease, the heartbeat rhythm becomes altered, so that the heart beats faster (tachycardia) or slower (bradycardia) than the normal rhythm. Hyperthyroidism, diabetes and hypertension are possible causes of arrhythmia.
  • Congenic cardiopatics: congenital heart disease is a change in the heart established since birth, that is, it is a condition in which the patient is born with them and can be diagnosed when the baby is still in the womb. mother. Among its causes are: genetic inheritance, drug abuse, use of antidepressants and anticonvulsants, and maternal diseases such as lupus and diabetes.
  • Cardiac insufficiency: In this disease, the heart is not able to pump blood throughout the body, so the blood is not able to reach all parts of the body. It recurs in people with high blood pressure and the most common symptoms are swelling in the legs and feet and shortness of breath.

5 tips for taking care of your heart

The main causes of cardiovascular diseases are hypertension, diabetes, obesity and smoking. Therefore, the best way to take care of your heart is to take the necessary precautions to prevent these conditions from occurring. Five tips to prevent these conditions and, consequently, take care of your heart are the following:

  1. regular practice of physical activities;
  2. healthy eating associated with cholesterol control;
  3. practices that promote stress reduction;
  4. quit smoking;
  5. restrict the consumption of alcoholic beverages.


World Heart Day. World Heart Federation. Available in:

ROGERS, K. World Heart Day. Britannica, [n.d.]. Available in:

Virtual Health Library - Ministry of Health. Use your heart to connect with your health! 29/9 - World Heart Day. Virtual Health Library - Ministry of Health, [n.d.]. Available in:

Virtual Health Library - Ministry of Health. 29/9 - World Heart Day: Be a heart hero! Virtual Health Library - Ministry of Health, [n.d.]. Available in:

Healthy Life - Albert Einstein Hospital. Find out what the 4 main heart diseases are. Healthy Life - Hospital Albert Einstein, [s.d.]. Available in:

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SOZZA, Nicole Fernanda. "September 29 — World Heart Day"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed September 29, 2023.

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