Winter 2023 is among the warmest since 1961, according to estimates

O Winter 2023 in Brazil will be recorded as one of the warmest since 1961, and this increase in temperatures may be related to El Niño.

This phenomenon warms the waters of the Pacific Ocean along the west coast of Peru and has significant impacts on the global climate. Furthermore, global warming is cited as a contributing factor.

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The National Institute of Meteorology (INMET) reported that, during winter, masses of cold air led to a drop in temperatures and the formation of frost in the mountainous regions of southern Brazil.

A notable exception was observed in the rest of the country, where heat dominated the season, defying traditional expectations of a colder winter.

Such climate imbalance in the Brazilian winter of 2023 demonstrates the complexity of the interactions between natural phenomena and global climate change.

High temperatures in Brazil in 2023

In the winter of 2023, the North, Northeast and Central-West regions of Brazil were affected by intense heat that persisted for around 70 days.

This was the result of the action of hot and dry air masses, leading to thermal levels that frequently exceeded 30°C.

Specifically, the north and northwest of São Paulo, as well as the Triângulo Mineiro, experienced an average 50 to 70 days of high temperatures, with this period of heat predominating mainly in August and September.

In addition to high temperatures, Brazil faced extreme heat waves during what was supposed to be a cold season. Some cities recorded thermometer readings reaching an impressive 40°C.

(Image: disclosure)

This represented a significant increase in relation to the historical climate average, with thermal indices exceeding the values ​​traditionally observed for the season by 1.5°C.

Since the beginning of winter, forecasts pointed to warm days in Brazil. This trend was attributed to the presence of the El Niño phenomenon, which makes it difficult for cold fronts to enter the country.

As a result, winter was characterized by temperatures above what is considered normal for the season, accompanied by a lower incidence of rain.

It is worth mentioning that, although El Niño is not directly related to global warming, researchers claim that climate change contributes to intensifying the increase in temperatures atmospheric.

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