Open University of Brazil Program offers 290 thousand places

The largest number ever offered by the Open University of Brazil Program (UAB) in history, the Ministry of Education (MEC), through the Coordination for the Improvement of Level Personnel Superior (CAPES), is offering 290 thousand vacancies, both undergraduate and lato sensu specialization, in distance education courses, with an enrollment deadline of up to 30 November.

According to notice 25/2023, the initiative, aimed at public higher education institutions members of the UAB program, aims to contribute to the National Teacher Training Policy of the MEC.

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The forecast is that the classes of the selected courses will be formed in the municipalities that maintain the EaD UAB centers, in period from July 2024 to December 2026, with absolute priority for initial training of education teachers basic. Proposals will be received in the CAPES Integrated System (Sicapes).

Also according to the notice, the courses proposed by the institutions must be focused on three areas: training of teachers and other basic education professionals (degrees and specializations); training of public agents; and social and regional economic development (bachelor's degrees, technology and specializations).

The organization of the program reiterates that adhering to courses and requesting registration of new courses in SisUAB or updating Center data must cover the period from September 21st to November 30th, with the final disclosure set for March, and offers being confirmed in May 2024.

Among the innovations of the partnership, which includes themes specific to the ministry's secretariats, in addition to themes proposed by the Secretariat of Basic Education (SEB) and the Department of Continuing Education, with a view to training school managers, such as Youth and Adult Literacy, Diversity and Inclusion (Secadi), and education themes environmental.

The UAB System allows public higher education institutions to offer quality courses, offered in the form of distance education, to distant and isolated locations in the country, through government partnerships at the federal, state and municipal.

Among its purposes, UAB aims to contribute to the National Teacher Training Policy of the Ministry of Education. Therefore, vacancies are primarily aimed at the initial training of basic education teachers. Currently, 70% of vacancies go to initial and continuing teacher training, and 30% to courses in the area of ​​public administration and economic, social and regional development.

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