Philip II of France, the Augustus

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French monarch born in Paris, nicknamed Augustus and known as the first of the great kings of the Capetian dynasty in France. Son of Louis VII of France, he began his reign facing a revolt of the feudal lords, which ended with the peace of Boves, and the strengthening of the monarchy against the feudal power. He then reconquered the French territories of Auvergne occupied by the kings of England with the signing of the Treaty of Azay-le-Rideau (1189). He participated in the third crusade with Richard Coeur de Leão, Henry II's successor to the English throne.
He anticipated his return to the country due to health problems, and prepared an attack on the French domains of the Plantagenets, the English royal family. Informed, Ricardo left the crusade to fight the French king, who suffered a series of defeats, but Ricardo was assassinated (1199) and his brother, João Sem Terra, ceded the territories of Évreux and the Norman Vexin to the French king. However, the king still did not accept the English presence in other French areas and invaded Normandy (1202). He then invaded Maine, Touraine, Anjou, and most of Poitou, and eventually expelled John's troops from the mainland, after imposing his defeat at the Battle of Bouvines (1214). Parallelamene maintained strict control over the nobility, strengthened ties with the clergy, conquered the support of the cities and took administrative measures that strengthened the monarchic power until his death in Keeps.

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